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Connor got there and knock on the door. After a moment, the door opened and Connor saw a beautiful woman with a scar on her cheek, wearing a black suit. "Yeah?" Asked Maria. "Hi, I'm Richard, I was sent by Henry to talk to ya about helping me into the office of price administration." Said Connor. Maria looks at Connor before sighing. "Damn Henry, sending a kid to do your dirty work...fine, come on." Said Maria. She walked passed Connor and he walked with her. Connor and Maria arrive at the office and exit the car. "Listen kid, no hard feelings but if we get caught, I'm gonna need to pretend that I don't know you." Said Maria. "I understand." Said Connor. She began walking towards the back and Connor followed. They got to the back where she walked to the window. Maria walked to it and lift it open. "Idiots always leaves it unlocked." Said Maria. She went to go in but slip and was about to fall but Connor got behind her and catch her. "Wanna boost?" Asked Connor. Maria looked at Connor and sigh. "Fine but if you peek up my skirt, your dead." Said Maria. Connor nods and got on one knee and close his eyes. Maria hopped on Connor's hand and he lift her up enough for her to get in the window.

"Thanks." Said Maria. "No problem, is it ok to open my eyes now?" Asked Connor. "Wait, you seriously kept them closed?" Asked Maria. Connor nods his head. "So, can I?" Asked Connor. "Yeah." Said Maria. Connor opens his eyes and jump up, getting into the window and look around to see they seem to be in a female bathroom. Connor could tell it was female due to the male bathrooms being a lot dirtier. "Huh, never thought the female bathrooms were clean." Connor muttered. "Cause you men are pigs." Said Maria. Connor poke his tongue out at her and walked to the door. "Ok...are you sure you wanna come with? You can go back out the window and leave cause even if you said you will pretend you don't know me, I prefer if you aren't involved." Said Connor.

"Its fine, plus this way I can make sure you don't touch or wreck anything you don't need to." Said Maria. Connor nods and exit the bathroom, looking around and began walking to the office where the key's and the safe is. Connor walked around until they got to the office and enter, looking around until he saw keys on the table. "Those the keys?" Asked Connor. She nods and Connor grabs them. "Ok, where's the safe?" Asked Connor. "Behind you dumbass." Said Maria. Connor turns to see a small safe. "Ohh...thanks." Said Connor. Connor walked to it and use the keys to unlock it, opening it and look inside. Connor snatch the stamps before turning to Maria. "Come on, we better go." Said Connor. They went to walk when Connor saw someone coming. "Get down." Said Connor. They duck by the desk and look over it slightly at the guard. Just then, Connor glance at Maria to see her legs having trouble standing due to the heels she's wearing. She suddenly tipped over and about to fall but Connor catch her, holding her to him.

"Shit...ok, you alright?" Asked Connor. She nods, looking red. Connor lets her go and she steady herself. "Sorry for that, just didn't want you to fall." Said Connor. Connor glance to see the guard was gone. "Ok, the guards gone, lets go." Said Connor. She nods and they got up, getting out of the office and to the bathroom where Connor went out first and she was about to come second when her heels made her slip and fall but Connor caught her as they land outside. Connor open his eyes to see Maria was on top of him, her lips on his. The two blush as Maria got up. "I'm so, so sorry! I didn't mean to! I just wanted to catch you and--" Before Connor finish, she put her hand over his mouth. "You hear that?" Asked a guard. "No, why?" Asked a second. "I thought I heard shouting." Said the first. "Eh its probably your imagination." Said the third. They sigh of relief and got up, running to the car. After they got to Maria's apartment, Connor apologised again before they said goodbye and Connor went off to see Henry. Due to him giving Connor his number, Connor texted him, saying he got it and he said to meet him at Freddy's.

Connor entered Freddy's and walked to the table Henry was at. "How'd it go?" Asked Henry. "Other then probably making Maria hate me, it went well." Said Connor. Connor toss him the stamps and he looked them over. "Good...wait." Henry muttered. He looked at them before looking scared but mainly pissed. "Ah, shit!" Yelled Henry. "Something wrong?" Asked Connor. "You bet your ass there's something wrong! These stamps have experation dates and their tomorrow! Meaning they'll be fucking worthless!" Said Henry. Connor look at him and then at the time. "When is the thing due?" Asked Connor. "By midnight but its useless." Said Henry. "What if I were to go and deliver them by midnight?" Asked Connor. He thought it through. "Actually...that's a smart idea kid! Ok, get them to every gas station you can before Midnight, if you go now, you should have plenty of time to do it." Said Henry. Connor nods and grab the stamps, getting up and went to the exit.

Connor: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now