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After Connor could leave the hospital, Connor had to stay home for a bit since his parents didn't feel safe with him going anywhere, even if they are with him or drop him off to the place he has to go so he doesn't walk alone. After a bit, Connor was finally able to go and see his friends, though his parents were a bit hesitant but eventually let him, wanting him to be careful and also give him a baton and brass knuckle ring, to protect himself. 

Connor wasn't exactly sure if they'd work since he was weak but took them, anyway, hoping maybe he'd be able to protect himself. Getting to school, Connor kept the ring and baton in his pocket, since the baton was pocket sized and he couldn't let people know, just in case. Walking, Connor notice Cherry and Hosel approaching them.

"Hey, I heard you were in hospital, you should be careful." Said Hosel. "Fuck off." Connor said walking past them, his friend's follow afterwards. After a few hours or so, it was eventually lunch and Connor and Aphmau were waiting for Yuri when Aphmau spoke. "Connor...what was that about?" Asked Aphmau. "What?" Asked Connor. "With Hosel, did something happen? I mean I know you two hate each other for before, but that time it felt...different." Said Aphmau. Connor sighs before speaking. "If I tell you, you can't tell anyone, not even the police." Said Connor. "Huh? Why?" Asked Aphmau. "Just don't...ok?" Asked Connor.

"Ok, ok, I won't." Said Aphmau with a sigh. "Thank you...and about what happened..." Connor mutters. Connor tells Aphmau what happened, earning a moment of silence...before... "WHAT?!!??!" Yelled Aphmau. Aphmau, out of anger, began looking for Hosel as Connor walked behind her. "Aphmau! Stop!" Yelled Connor. "How can I Connor?! Hosel--" She stopped. "There's no point! There's no proof of ot happening! No cameras, no witnesses and when it comes to my word against her, she has people to say I'm lying, even of I have the wound." Said Connor. Aphmau stopped, looking down.

"Aphmau, look, I want her to pay too, but unless we have proof, she'd just walk away, so until we figure something out, we can't do anything." Said Connor. Suddenly, Connor felt Aphmau hug him, making him blush, looking down at her. "A-Aphmau?" Asked Connor. "I'm scared." Said Aphmau. Connor looked at Aphmau, surprised. "When I heard you were hurt...when I saw you in that hospital bed...and beaten at school, I was scared...I was so scared I'd lose you." Said Aphmau. Connor looked at her, hugging her back.

"I'm sorry to worry you...I promise I'm ok and you won't lose me." Said Connor. Aphmau looked into his chest, crying before snuggling into his chest more. Connor blushes before smiling and hug her a little tighter. It after school and Connor was walking Aphmau home. As they walked, Connor felt as if someone was staring at him. Looking around, Connor saw no one, but he could feel it still. Suddenly, Connor felt Aphmaus hand holding his. "Hey...something wrong?" Asked Aphmau.

"Oh, yeah I'm ok, just thought I saw someone looking at me." Said Connor. The two walk until suddenly, Connor saw Aphmau's mum fighting with her son by the front door. Connor was confused but ignored it, knowing its not his business. Suddenly, Connor notice Aphmau rushing to the two, getting in-between them and yell at James.

James then raise a hand, about to hit her and off of instant, Connor grabs his wrist and threw him to the side, making him fall. Aphmau, her mother and her brother looked in shock at Connor, who himself was shocked that he actually did want he wanted to do.

"You fat mother fucker!" Yelled James as he swung a punch, hitting Connor and sent him flying. "Connor!" Yelled Aphmau. Connor got up as James kicked Connor on the gut. "Gah!!!" Connor Yelled as he fell back.

The boy smirked, lifting another punch, about to hit Connor. "No!" Yelled Aphmau. Connor then reached for his picked and took out of the brass knuckle ring, punching him in the face. "AH!" James yelled as he fell back, holding his bleeding cheek before looking at Connor, mad.

Connor: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now