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Once Connor was back, he walked to the couch and sit back as Ruby, Emily and Charlotte talk, Blake went to sleep and Weiss was shaking, holding the blanket close, now having it around her to keep her warm. "You ok Weiss?" Asked Connor. She looked down. Connor sighs, getting closer and hold her shoulder. "I know this is scary...but just know, your gonna be ok...I promise, I'll protect you so please relax...your tired so you should sleep." Said Connor.

She said nothing. "If it'll help you feel better, I'll stand guard." Said Connor. At that, Weiss looked up at Connor. "Well you?" Asked Weiss. "Yep...I know this is scary and all that, but I promise I'll keep watch and protect you while we're here...we'll go first thing in the morning and also tell the police about the place." Said Connor with a warm smile, trying to comfort her. Weiss looked at Connor before looking down, muttering but Connor heard her. "Why are you being so nice...I was rude...called you a murderer..." Weiss muttered. "Guess it's just who I am...many people in my life hurt me and as much as I want to hate them, a part of me can't especially if it was someone I cared for with all my heart...we may not be friends but seeing you so scared...I can't bring myself to ignore you or not comfort you." Said Connor.

She looked at Connor and leaned on him. "Please...hold me...I don't feel safe." Said Weiss. Connor looked at her, seeing the broken and terrified girl beside him. Connor hold her close and she make a small moan as she snugged into Connor's chest. "Get some sleep...you'll need it." Said Connor. "What about you?" Asked Weiss. "I'll be ok...I stayed up for days and stuff before so I'll be ok...please sleep." Said Connor. She looked at Connor before looking down and close her eyes, falling asleep. "Connor..." Ruby spoke. Connor turns to see Ruby, Emily and Charlotte looked at Connor, pouting. "Don't be jealous...she needs it...she saw something very horrible in that basement and needs comfort to sleep...you can join us if it'll make you feel better." Said Connor. They looked at Connor before getting closer, resting on each other as Emily rests on Connor's shoulder. "Well your quite popular." Said Blake. Connor turns to Blake, who was now awake. "Well, I don't know how it happens...it just happens...and I don't deserve them...I love them very much but I feel like I'm not worthy of anything." Said Connor. "So...I wanted to know...how are you not scared?" Asked Blake. "What do ya mean?" Asked Connor. "You never look scared...even now." Said Blake. "That's because I went through either more or less scary things then this so I guess I lost the feeling of fear or I'd hide it." Said Connor. "What do you mean by that?" Asked Blake. "If I'm in a situation where I'm scared but need to be strong and help someone, even if I have to face what I was scared of...I'd hide it and do my best." Said Connor. She looked at Connor and then down again. "Get some sleep...I'll keep watch." Said Connor.

She looked at Connor one last time before closing her eyes, holding her blanket to her and went to sleep. As the girls sleep, Connor stay awake to keep an eye on them. Connor sits on the couch, using the fire and the girls to stay warm since he didn't have a blanket. Suddenly, something goes into his neck and a split second later, something poured into his neck and Connor passed out.

Connor awoke, hanging from the chains that the other three people were hanging from. Connor looks back more to see that there was a hook attached to it in his back that was hanging him. Connor turn to his left and right to see that the girls were nowhere to be seen. Connor look up at the chain before gripping it and climbed up, making the hook come out before Connor fall to the ground. Connor pant before getting on his feet, running upstairs. Connor run around the house to find nothing. Connor ran outside and look around. Fresh tracks were seen from around the house.

Connor follows them, running to the back of the house, his blood dripping and staining the snow. Connor got to the back to see that the girls were naked and tied on stakes and a group of at least 20 men were around them. "Connor!!!" Yelled Charlotte. The girls all look up at Connor and so was the figures. Connor growl in anger, stepping forward. "Get the fuck away from them!" Yelled Connor. The pulled out weapons like machetes, axes and knives. Connor walk closer as they run to Connor. One of the men with the axe tried to cut Connor but he lift his arm up, making it hit the wooden handle under the blade and throw a punch, breaking his nose and he fell. Connor grabs the axe and swing it down to the man's head, killing him before ripping it out and swung it slightly, making fresh blood drip from the blade.

Connor: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now