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Connor was currently walking down the hallway, heading to his dorm, but stopped when feeling a hand tugging on his shirt. Turning, Connor saw Hosel, looking down. "Connor...thank you..." Hosel muttered. Connor looked at her before smiling. "I promised you I would and I keep my promises...or at least try to." Said Connor, looking down at that last part, remembering how he failed before. Hosel looked down before looking up at him. "But why? You said people like him don't deserve to live...I'm just as bad." Said Hosel. "Cause when I saw your eyes when he attacked you and when comforting you, you had the eyes of someone who needed help and could change...him however, I saw his eyes had the look of a liar who would probably do it again the moment I was out of the house." Said Connor. Hosel looked at Connor, looking down and then smiled. "Thanks...is there any way I can repay you?" Asked Hosel.

"Yeah...can you please apologise to Aphmau and others you hurt and don't do anything bad again?" Asksd Connor. Hosel nods. "I will." Said Hosel. She then turns and walked off, heading to where Aphmau was to apologise along with others she hurt in the past. Later that night, Connor is seen panting as he just finished beating a gang of thugs who attempted physical and sexual assault on many young girls and women. After knocking them out and tying them up, Connor sent the location to tbe police for them to find. Walking back, Connor notice someone not too far behind him, following him. Keeping his guard up, Connor walked until the person got too close and even reach for Connor.

Sensing danger from them, Connor turns and grab their wrist. Looking closely, Connor saw it was Yafya. "Huh? Yafya?" Connor muttered. Just then, Yafya attempted to punch Connor, but Connor dodge. "The hell?!" Yelled Connor. Yafya attacks Connor again and kept going, dodging up till Connor had enough and punch back, sending him flying. Yafya grunts before running to him and swung a punch, Connor dodging and the punch went into the ground, making a hole and cracks. Connor then swing a kick, sending him flying and crash into a wall, making a small hole in it. "Yafya, what the hell are you doing?!" Yelled Connor. Just then, when he get up and went to punch Connor, someone caught his fist. Looking up, Connor saw it was..."Joe?" Connor muttered. The familiar old man who was strong for his age is seen holding Yafya's fist.

"Connor...I'm sorry for this...I was distracted and didn't think he'd come after you...I'll explain what's going on later, you go home." Said Joe. Connor was silent but nods and walked off, Joe staying with Yafya. "Why are you stopping me?! He needs to be taken down! He--" Yafya was cut off. "He's just a kid...I don't know what happened to make you do this, but I don't care....this kid is someone I have left while I see as family...so I am going to protect him." Said Joe. Yafya growls, throwing a punch, hitting Joe, but he wasn't affected. Joe then toss Yafya by his fist to the side, crashing into a wall and make a hole. "Stand down Yafya...you know you can't beat me." Said Joe. Joe got up, growling before walking off. "This isn't over." Said Yafya. He walked home. Joe stared silently before turning to the direction Connor went in. "I need to tell him." Joe muttered. It was the next day and Connor had just arrived at Joe and May's house, due him being called there by Joe. Connor gently knock on the door, somewhat nervous. The reason from this was he was scared they blame him due to him tecnically being the reason their family was killed. The door opened and reveal May, her eyes red from crying. Connor looked at her, sad to see her that way. May look at Connor, shocked before hugging him. Connor was somewhat surprised, expecting her to be upset with him but hug back.

Connor and May hug for a bit, before Connor saw Joe approaching him. Connor and May let go as they turn to him. "Thank you for coming...please come in." Said Joe. Connor nods and they walked to the living room. Connor and Joe sit on the couch, May walking into the kitchen. Connor stared at her, worried, which got Joe's attention. "She's been sad since their death..." Joe muttered. "I figured...I honestly don't blame her if she hates me...I'm to blame." Said Connor. "You aren't." Said Joe. "I am...the person who killed them were after me and I wasn't able to protect them...I am to blame...I'm..." Connor muttered. Connor began crying. "I should've been the one dead...not them...everyone who died because of me should've lived and I should've died..." Connor muttered. Hearing this, Joe gave Connor a punch to the head, not a hard one of someone who wants to fight, but like a father disciplining his child. "Don't say stupid stuff like that! You aren't to blame! You deserve to live just as they do!" Yelled Joe.

Connor: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now