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Connor pants from loss of stamina and adrenaline, aiming the gun at Jim, who was bleeding from his stomach. "It's over...you sick, motherfucker!" Yelled Connor. Connor pulled the trigger, blowing his brains out. Connor pant before turning to Niko. "Niko, are you ok? Are you hurt?" Asked Connor.

Connor knees down to her before she hugged him, crying and screaming. Connor hugs back and hold her very tight, trying to not hurt her but make her feel safe. "Shh, Shh, don't cry...its ok...he's not gonna hurt you ever again..." Said Connor. She cried into his chest, screaming also and after a bit, Connor heard sirens coming from outside...guess someone called the cops. Connor lets go of Niko and walk to her bed where Connor took off the blanked from her bed and wrap it around her before picking her up, carrying her down stairs. As they reach the bottom, two officers burst inside and come to them, taking the two to the hospital.

After at least an hour of being in the hospital, Connor getting patches and stitches on his wounds, answering the officers questions and them letting Connor and Niko go due to it being self-defence. After they said Connor could go, he and Niko met up with Connor's parents, who were waiting for them and they began walking to them. Once inside the car, Rachael began driving as Niko rests her body against Connor, her blanket still wrapped around her since she had no clothes. "Hey Niko...you wanna sleep?" Asked Connor. She shook her head. "I wanna stay like this..." Said Niko. Connor smiles before undoing her seat-belt and sit her on his lap also taking off his seat-belt and put it over them both and Connor hold her to his chest tightly but not hurt her.

"Here...you can stay here and sleep...I will never let you go...ok?" Asked Connor. She snuggled her head to Connor's neck and close her eyes. "Fine..." Niko muttered. Connor smiles, kissing her head before closing his eyes and slowly drift to sleep, hugging Niko. Due to it being late, Connor's parents drove them to their house to spend the night. Once they got home, they enter the house and after getting Niko more food, a shower and making her feel safe, they went to bed.

The next day, Connor awoke to the warmth of Niko. Connor turns to Niko to see if she's alright and she was sleeping cutely. Connor smiles before closing his eyes again when he notice his phone beep. Connor grabs it and turn it on to see he got a message from Emily. "Connor, we heard about last night, are you and Niko ok?!" the message reads. "Yeah, though Niko might need lots of comforting for a whole and might need a therapist." Connor replies. "And you?" Emily replies "Yeah, I got some stitches but that's all...hey can you do me a favour and tell the school I won't come in today? I wanna stay with Niko for the day." Connor replies. "Of course, I'll let them know, please take care of her and give her a hug for me and also call me or the others if you need us." Emily responds.

"Of course, see ya later, love you." Connor replies. "Love you too baby 😘" Emily replies back. Connor smiles before putting hia phone away as Niko sit up. "Morning Connor..." Niko muttered. Connor smile, turning to her. "Morning Niko, how are you feeling?" Asked Connor. "Better now that your here..." Said Niko. She leaned onto Connor. Connor smiles before wrapping his arm around her. "I'll tell your school you can't come in today and we can hang out and do as you wish." Said Connor. "What about you? You need to be in school." Asked Niko. "Nah, I'm having the day off...today will be about us relaxing and enjoying ourselves." Said Connor. She smiles before looking up. "Yeah..." Niko muttered. Connor kiss her head and got off the bed, walking to the bathroom and then went the kitchen where he made her and Niko breakfast. After eating and having a shower, Connor and Niko spent the day watching tv and movies.

As Connor walked, he clench his shirt slightly from the pain from the whole fight the other night. After getting to class, Connor entered to see everyone. "Hey Connor." Said Yue. She walked to Connor, hugging and kissing him, which got the girls jealous so Connor had to kiss them all to calm them down, though he doesn't mind. "So what happened the other night?" Asked Zero. "Niko called me, saying she needed help...I came and needed to fight her foster father. Emily walked to Connor before hugging him. "We're just glad your alright...both you and Niko." Said Emily. "Yeah...though Niko might need a therapist after that he did to her..." Said Connor. Charlotte walked to Connor and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Yeah but what's important is he won't hurt her anymore and that your both safe." Said Charlotte. Connor smiles. "Yeah." Said Connor. Connor looks down. "What's wrong?" Asked Yukihime. "Nothing, just tired..." Said Connor.

Connor: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now