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The next day, Connor is seen walking down the street, having just finished hunting down another criminal. Connor was heading home, when he notice Niko and Utai with some people. Connor saw Utai and Niko with Yuzura, a girl with her hair in pig tails and glasses, a boy with red hair and a boy with green, puffy hair plus a little weight to him.

Connor smiles as he saw them talking to people, seeing that Niko and Utai had the chance to make friends spite everything that happened. Connor turns, about to walk away to leave them be, when..."Big brother!" A voice spoke. Connor turns his head to the group again, seeing Niko pointing him out. Connor smiles at the name "big brother" since he grew use it to and likes hearing it. Niko, Utai and Yuzura signals Connor to come over and he does, earning everyone's attention. "Hey guys, this is our big brother Connor!" Said Niko. "Big brother?" Asked the girl with glasses. "He's not our real brother, but its just a name we call him." Said Niko. "Yo! I'm Hiro!" Said the green haired boy. "I'm Toshi." Said the one with red hair. "I'm Kawai." Said the girl with glasses. "Nice to meet you all." Said Connor. "So, why aren't you at school? Aren't you our age?" Asked Hiro. Connor and Niko stay silent for a moment, remembering how Connor's basically immortal, while Utai stays silent since she didn't know what their talking about. She could somewhat read lips but not good enough so she isn't too sure what their saying.

"I'm man of the house, so it's my job to work." Said Connor. "Huh? Oh what job do you have?" Asked Toshi. "I got a job at a...damn I can remember the name, but it's a job where I help stack boxes into factory's and stores or trucks for delivery...I just got off and was heading to home." Said Connor. "That so, we were about to go to your house too, is that okay?" Asked Yuzura. "Of course, but are you all staying for dinner?" Asked Connor. "No, we were just going to spend time with Niko and Utai for a while." Said Kawai. "Ok." Said Connor. From there, they all made their way to the house together, seeing as they were gonna head there anyway. When at the apartment. Connor went to his room to relax for a while while Utai and Niko took their friends to the living room to hang out. "By the way, where are your parents?" Asked Hiro. Niko and Utai stay silent for a moment, Utai knowing bits of what they said due to Utai knowing they said something about their parents through reading their lips. "I'm an orphan...and Utai lost her parents...Connor is all we have now." Said Niko.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." Said Hiro. They all stay in silence, not knowing what to talk about. After a bit, Yuzura broke the silence by asking the girls different questions, like how they met Connor and such, where they would explain and from there, they talk and hang out for a while, before it got late and they all had to go home. When everyone left, Niko began cooking dinner since Connor was asleep in his room. As Niko cooked dinner, Utai walked to her room to get something, when something caught her attention. Connor's door was open ajar, making Utai walk to it, wanting to close the door so if Connor's sleeping, he doesn't get woken up, but stopped when seeing Connor. Connor was making faces and grunting, tossing and turning and looked as if he's in pain. Utai couldn't hear Connor's grunts but by his actions, she could tell he was either in pain or having a nightmare.

Approaching Connor, Utai got a closer look and know for sure he was indeed having a nightmare, due to him having no wounds that would hurt him. Utai got onto the bed and snuggles to Connor, making Connor begin to calm down, feeling the warmth of one of the two last remaining people in his life. Utai watches Connor breath in and out as he slept, the nightmare he had being gone so he could sleep peacefully. "Connor...I'm so sorry for this...I'm so sorry I can't help you feel better." Utai thought to herself. They stay together for a while, before Utai noticed Connor beginning to wake up. Connor opens his eyes and turns to Utai, a little surprised she was there. "Huh? Oh, hey...wanted to sleep with me that badly?" Connor signed, smirking. Utai blushes as she looked at Connor, before hitting his arm, causing Connor to chuckle as Utai sits up on the end and began signing. "No, you jerk! You looked like you were having a nightmare and I wanted to help you feel better!" Utai signed. Connor looks at Utai before smiling as he pat her head, making Utai looking at him with a blush. Connor then mouthed "thank you" which Utai could read. Utai makes a small nod as she looks away in embarrassment. Connor then smirks, thinking of a way to tease Utai and then gently puts his hand behind her head and gently pulled it to him and kisses her head. Utai blushes more and would've even squeal out of embarrassment. Connor then pokes his tongue out at Utai before running off, heading out of the room, making Utai make a pouty face as she got off the bed and runs after Connor.

Connor: Part 1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora