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Connor is seen at the pool, his girlfriends changing in the changing room. It was Saturday and Connor decided to use the ticket to invite the girls and Tai to the pool. "Hey Connor!" A voice called. Connor turned to Tai, who was in his swim trunks and that's about it. "Thanks for the invite!" Yelled Tai. "No problem, the tickets allowed the person the to bring four or five guests for free so I thought we'd take the time to hang out." Said Connor. "Thanks again! Your the best!" Said Tai. "Eh, don't worry about it." Said Connor. The two walk while waiting for the girls to come out. Within a few minutes, the girls come out, accompanied by 5 others. Those five being Katou, her sister and Katou's friends. "Hey! Sorry to keep you waiting." Said Sekai. "No problem." Said Connor. "Well, what are we waiting for?! Let's swim!" Yelled Hori, excited. "Hey! Don't run, you'll--" Before Katou finished, Hori slipped on the wet floor and about right hit the edge of the pool, but before she did, Connor use his speed to run to her, grabbing her and pull her to his chest as he does a sideways spin, making his back face the edge and hit it as they fall into the water.

""Connor/Hori!"" Yelled the girls and Tai as they run to the water. Connor got out of the water, unfazed, carrying Hori. "I'm so sorry! Are you ok?!" Asked Hori, crying. "I'm ok sweetie, it didn't hurt." Said Connor, already healed from the pain and any bruising the hit would've made. "Connor! Are you alright?!" Asked Tai. "Yeah, I'm ok, it isn't hurt as bad as it looked." Said Connor. "Hori, is she--" Katou was cut off. "She's ok Katou, I promise, I took the blow, so she didn't get hurt." Said Connor. Katou got into the water, spite it being could and swim to Connor and her sister, grabbing Hori from Connor and hug her. Connor smiles as she watch the two sisters hug before he felt splashing hitting him, making him turn to the girls and Tai. "You scared us! Don't do that again!" Yelled Sekai. "But if I didn't, Hori would've gotten hurt worse then I did." Said Connor. Sekai went to speak, when Katsura stopped her, saying not to argue. "Thank you Mr Connor." Said Hori. "Don't worry about it...come on we came to swim to lets go." Said Connor. "Yeah!" Said Hori, happy. Everyone hopped on the water soon after and they spent the day swimming and having fun.

Connor was currently swimming with Hori, who wanted to practice swimming with him since she wasn't that good. Connor smiles as she helped her swim and eventually they stopped and Hori went to go to the bathroom as Katsura approached him. "Hey um...its a little embarrassing but...can you help me swim too?" Asked Katsura. "Huh? Oh, sure if you want." Said Connor. Katsura got closer and gently held Connor's hands, Connor helping her swimming and after a bit, they stopped. "Your good at swimming...why did you want me to help you?" Asked Connor. "Oh...um...I..." Katsura muttered. Connor looked confused before opening his eyes wide with a smirk. "Wait, were you jealous of Hori cause I helped her swim?" Asked Connor. "N-No..." Said Katsura, looking away with a pout. "Oh my god that's totally it! What's next? You gonna get jealous when she asked to hold my hand?" Asked Connor, teasing her. "N-No!" Yelled Katsura, looking more red. "Sure...come on then you need "help swimming" right? I should help." Said Connor. Katsura blushes before taking his hands and they continue. Connor sighs as he looked up at the glass dome over the pool their at. They people put a glass dome over the place so that way when animals pass they they don't poop on anyone while eating or swimming.

Connor then felt his hand being grabbed, making him turn to see Hori. "Big sis asked me to bring you...she said your friend is having trouble getting the food to the table." Said Hori. "Huh? Oh sure." Said Connor. Connor got up and walked to the area the pool staff would cook food or have drinks. Getting there, Connor saw the girls looking at Tai as he struggled to get all the food. Connor smiles before approaching them, taking some of the food from Tai, making him have better balance and not about to drop it all together. "Thanks pal." Said Tai. "No problem." Said Connor. They walked to the table and sit the food down where they eat their lunch and did more swimming later. After a few hours, it got dark and they had to leave. They got dresses and walked to the exit, saying goodbye to each other. As Connor walked Katsura and Sekai to their houses, they talked for a bit and before long, they for their houses and Connor said goodnight before heading home. It was currently Monday and Connor is seen walking to school. As Connor walked, he notice Katou walking not too far from him. Seeing her, Connor smiles and wen to say hi. However, before he got to her, someone suddenly approach her, grabbing her wrist and made her stop.

Connor: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now