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Connor watched the box burn as he felt anger rise in him. The scientist then aims the dart gun, which has both the serum to make him half brain dead and also paralyse him, but then, when the dart hits Connor, it doesn't affect him, due to him ordering the healing to activate before he was hit, preventing the dart to take affect. Connor yanks the dart out as the hole heal and Connor got up, running to them, swinging a punch with a roar of anger, but Tom caught it, crushing Connor's hand, but Connor rips his own hand off as he commands it to heal, making Connor's hand healed as he makes a fist and this punches Tom with enough strength to break a few ribs as he fell backwards.

Connor then turns to the other two, the scientists also trying to shoot Connor again, but again, Connor uses the healing to prevent the dart from taking affect. Connor yanks the dart from his head since that's where it hit. Connor swung his hand at the man, using his fingers strength to rip through his stomach, making his organs fall out. The moment the man fell dead, Connor turns to big bro, seeing him looking shocked. "Your healing...it's faster?" Big bro mutters. Connor rushes to big bro, but was suddenly hit by Tom, being sent flying through the office and to the back window. Connor lays by the window as he bleeds, his skull busted open. Connor orders his head to heal, before getting up, looking angry at them both. Connor looks at them and then smirks purposefully jumping back into the window, smashing it and fell down from the tower he was in. 

Connor opens his eyes, seeing the night sky above him, his body already healed since he ordered his body to heal before he crashed, making it heal seconds after he crashed. Getting up, Connor glares up at the top floor, seeing big bro and Tom looking down at him and Connor flips them off as he began walking off. Just then, windows began to smash as fire comes from them, due to the fire Connor starting beginning to get bigger. Connor smirks as he walked off, knowing that the people who worked with big bro was now dead. Connor then checks his phone, looking through the files he got on big bro's businesses, revealing that the one he was at was exactly as he thought, on the outside a normal building but the inside was floors of people training to having inmates they take from jail to kill each other in the arena. Due to there being no reports of innocent people being inside, Connor didn't need to go back and save them, so he just kept heading home, getting inside and closes the door behind him. At that moment, the thought of what big bro did to the box came back to Connor's mind reminding him who he lost and began to cry as he slides down the door and onto the ground, crying as he looks down.

The next day, Crystal, Zoe, Duke, Zack and Eugene is seen inside the classroom, descussing over Connor's disappearance. "Any luck?" Asked Zoe. "Sadly, no...me and Zack looked all over and found nothing, nothing on Connor or Jim." Said Eugene. "Damn it...where are you Connor?" Zack mutters. "I'm here." A voice spoke. They froze, hearing the familiar voice before turning to see Connor approaching them. The moment they saw him, Zoe and Crystal run to Connor, crying. "Connor!" Yelled Zoe and Crystal. The two hug him, crying into his chest or shoulder. Connor smiles as he hugs back. "Connor...where were you?" Asked Duke. Connor stares at his friends before speaking. "I was a lab rat." Said Connor. They all look in shock at Connor, Zoe and Crystal letting go of Connor as they look up. "You...what?" Asked Zoe. "I'll explain when we get to the roof, that way we're alone...Zack, Eugene, I kept this from you two for too long...I should tell you my secret." Said Connor. Connor, the girls, Duke, Zack and Eugene is seen on the roof, Connor having just explained Connor's ability to and also what he means by "lab rat". "You...you have been immortal this whole time?" Asked Eugene. "But why haven't you told us?" Asked Zack. "Your telling me, you would believe me if I said I was immortal?" Asked Connor. They were silent for a moment before speaking. "It's just...wow." Said Zack. "Yep...but thanks to the asshole experimenting on me, its easier to look normal." Said Connor. "Huh? What do you mean?" Asked Crystal. "You see, the experiments caused me to not heal automatically anymore, but at will, meaning if I don't want to heal fast, I'd heal within a few weeks or months since it takes that long for humans or animals that regenerate to heal, but if I want to heal fast, I'll heal as fast as I got the wound." Said Connor.

Connor: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now