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Ever since Connor got together with the girls, things have been great and as he told himself he would, Connor did everything he could to make the girls happy. More years past and as time goes by, it was the same, Connor stayed the same while the girls age, but Connor didn't care, he still loved them and never stopped...even at death. Unfortunately, time got to the girls and they sadly passed away, but thankfully they had a full life like Connor wanted. Anyway, Connor is seen in a bar, drinking alcohol. Due to Connor not aging, he was forced to have a ID on him and to make sure they didn't think it was fake, Connor had to change his birthday to a certain year so they think it's real and think hes really 18. Connor was drinking through his depression, when he felt his phone vibrate. Connor looked at it to see it was the alarm he used to let him know to get home since he has school tomorrow. Connor sighs before finishing his beer and and walked out the bar after paying, walking home. The reason Connor's going to school again, is because he was bored and had nothing to do, so he thought going to another school would give him something to do and maybe meet new people since, although Connor knew he'd lose them one day, he would feel lonely if he didn't. Anyway, getting to his house, Connor want to bed and close his eyes. 

The next day, Connor is seen in his new school, it actually being a week or so since he started. Over time, Connor was known to some people and even made a friend. His name was Tai, a funny yet perverted person. The reason their friends is cause they sit close to each other and he started talking to Connor. Over time, Connor enjoyed his company and they became friends. Anyway as Connor walked to the roof to eat lunch with Tai, someone approach him, making Connor stop and turn to see a girl from his class. "Hey! Your Connor right? I'm Sekai! Nice to meet you." Said Sekai. "Nice to meet you too..." Said Connor. "Do you maybe want to have lunch with me?" Asked Sekai. "Huh? You wanna have lunch together?" Asked Connor. "Yeah, seeing as your new, I figured you want a friend to eat lunch with so your not alone." Said Sekai. "But I'm not alone, I was gonna eat with Tai...you can join us if you want." Said Connor. "Tai the pervert?" Asked Sekai. "Yes him...I promise he won't do anything and even if he does I'll stop him." Said Connor. Sekai looked at Connor before sighing. "Fine...you better keep your word." Said Sekai. "I will." Said Connor. Connor and Sekai walked to the roof and to Tai. "Hey man! Oh~ you got a girl with you?" Asked Tai. "Yeah, this is Sekai, she's in our class, she wanted to eat with us." Said Connor. 

From there, the two sit and began to eat and talk with Tai through lunch. "So, where did you go to school before now?" Asked Sekai. "Oh, I was home-schooled due to troubles and such." Said Connor. "That so...so is there someone so far in this school that you like~?" Asked Sekai. Connor looked at her before smirking. "What you fell for me or something?" Asked Connor. "Haha! Maybe..." Said Sekai, smirking. "Well, no...no one caught my eye." Said Connor. "Oh, that's too bad." Said Sekai. Connor just shrugs. They continue eating and talking and after a bit, it was time for lunch to end and they had to retreat to their class.

Connor is seen walking out of school, when someone caught his eye. Connor saw a cute girl who looked very shy. She had dark purple dyed hair and a attractive figure. Connor looked at her before turning to leave, when he notice someone approaching her, smirking like a pervert. "Hey there~." Said the boy, holding the girl close and kissing her. Connor looked at them and went to leave, thinking their dating when..."P-Please stop...I told you I'm not ready...." Said the girl. The boy looked at her, mad. "Fuck it, I'm done waiting, I'm getting in your pants today!" Yelled the boy, attempting to touch her crotch. The girl went to yell when Connor grabbed the boy and toss him off, making him fall on his ass. "You fat fucker! What's your problem?!" Yelled the boy. "The girl said to stop...just cause your dating doesn't mean you can just have sex with her when you want, you need consent or else your just raping her and if reported, you'll be in jail...now fuck off before I get more physical." Said Connor.

Connor: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now