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Once they got to the house, they went to the door and Weiss took out her key's, unlocking the door as Connor glance at Carrie. "Are you alright?" Asked Connor. Carrie hasn't stopped looking at Connor since they met and also had this uneasy look ever since they started heading to the house, as if she was uneasy about something at home and of Connor being Weiss's boyfriend. "I'm fine..." Said Carrie. Connor didn't push farther in case its personal and went back to looking at Weiss, who just opened the door. She puts her key's away before holding Connor's hand like before and they enter the house.

Once inside, Carrie closes the door behind her and someone walked through the doorway of a room. Connor blushes and look away the moment Connor saw it was a woman in her bra and underwear with a wine bottle in her hand. "M-Mum! We got a visitor! Put on some clothes!" Yelled Weiss. She looked at Connor and then turn away, waking through the doorway and came back a minute later or so later fully clothed. "Connor, you can uncover your eyes now." Said Weiss. Connor looks to see she was now dressed and the woman walked to us. Connor look up at her to see she was as beautiful as Carrie and Weiss, had bigger breasts then the both of them and looked very tired as if she hasn't slept well in a while.

"Hello young man." Said the woman. Even from where he was, Connor can smell the alcohol in her breath but Connor ignores it. "Hello." Said Connor. "Mother, this is Connor, my boyfriend." Said Weiss. She looked at Connor with surprised eyes before smiling and walked to them, stopping in front of him. "Nice to meet you Connor, I am Willow, I am Weiss and Carries mother." Said Willow. Connor smiles. "Nice to meet you too." Said Connor. Suddenly a slam of a door echoed as several figures run through the house and to the stairs nearby.

"Mother! Josh is being a runt again!" Yelled a girl. "Am not! Your the one being the runt Coraline!" Yelled Josh. Connor looks at them to see a girl and a kid run down the stairs. The girl looked like she was one year older then Weiss and the boy who was apparently Josh was at least 8 years old. "Can you two stop? Your interrupting my texting!" Yelled a second girl. Another girl, probably the same age as Carrie came in, holding her phone and looking at it, texting. "Jesus, its too early for your shit." Said the second boy. Connor saw a boy who was probably my age and height with a slicked back, white hair, the sides and back was shaved and the top was short but long enough to go spikey.

"Kids, that's enough, we got a visitor." Said Willow. They turn to them to see Connor and he nervously chuckle as he wave. "Who's he?" Asked Josh. "This is Connor, my boyfriend." Said Connor. They all look in surprise. "He's gonna stay for dinner." Said Weiss. Just then, Josh rushes to them, stopping in front of him and looked at Connor. "Your Weiss's boyfriend? Cool!" Said Josh. He jumped onto Connor's arm and wrap his arms and legs around his arm. "We're gonna have so much fun!" Yelled Josh. Connor look at him before lifting his arm up. "Um, sure." Said Connor..He smiles. "Um, can you put me down?" Asked Josh. "Oh! Right." Said Connor. Connor put him down.

Later that night, the sound of fancy music echoed the dinning room as me and Wiess's family sits at the table. "So this is the whole family." Connor muttered. Turns out Weiss has at least 7 siblings. Three brothers and four sisters. She has two little brothers and a big brother, two little sisters and two older sisters. "So tell us about yourself." Said Willow. "Um...there's not much to talk about...I'm just a ordinary boy." Said Connor. "But from what Weiss told me, your not...you even apparently saved her and three others from a cult." Said Carrie. There was several sounds of something landing on glass, probably their forks and spoons. ""What?!?"" Yelled Everyone but Connor, Weiss, Carrie, one of Weiss's brothers and Weiss's father. Connor looks at Wiess. "You never told your whole family?" Asked Connor.

She looked down. "Cause I've been at school and didn't have time..." Said Weiss. For some reason Connor feels like she is hiding something but he shouldn't force her to tell. "Um anyway...yeah I saved them." Said Connor. "How so?" Asked Josh. "Connor saved us from being sacrificed to someone they see as a God..." Said Weiss. "When was this?" Asked Willow. "When we went to the resort...remember When we said we ended up having to leave the train because of a bomb?" Asked Wiess. All but Carrie and Weiss's father nods. "Well, we ended up in a abandon house that had...past sacrifices...from there we were attacked and they tried to do it to us but Connor saved me and the others." Said Weiss.

Connor: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now