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Looking through the cameras through his phone, Connor saw the people confused. Connecting to the microphone that talks to them, Connor spoke. "Attention everyone, my name is Connor, I came to get you out of here...I had taking out the boss and the elevator is unlocked, come up but you can't go all at once, only 4 of 5 at a time, and women and children go first." Said Connor. Watching to make sure they do what Connor said, 4 to 5 people who were women or children, enter and got to the top floor, horrified at big bro's body, who was healing.

After a few minutes, some of them came out, but as more came by, big bro heals, making Connor have to fight him. As Connor and big bro fight, the prisoners go from on elevator to the other, getting down to the bottom floor and run out the front door. By the time they were all gone, Connor and big bro were stained with each orher blood, plus their own. "Connor...you...really...became a animal." Said Big bro as he pants. "Cause...I don't...care...any...more...if I need to be a animal to make sure sick bastards like you die or leave me and my loved ones alone or just people in general alone, then I'll be a damn animal." Said Connor, panting too. They then lunge at each other, attempting to fight again. This time, Connor rams into big bro and force the both of them out the window, falling to the ground floor.

As they do, Big bro dies, but was regenerating, but Connor was surprisingly still conscious. Taking the chance to get away, Connor limps down the street, healing as he does. It was the next day and Connor was watching the news, seeing that they people captured called the police and the place was shut down and as Connor expected, big bro disappeared. Apparently, big bro wasn't arrested due to his body not being found by police when they arrived. Connor sighs as he got up and walked to his room to get dressed. When he was dressed, Connor exits the house, planning to go for a walk for a while before school, wanting to clear things from his head. Connor walks down the street as he looked over the files and such he found in the company. Looking over the files, Connor saw that there was a night club that was similar to the night club he went to that had the women and children forced to have sex with the clients. Seeing this, Connor made it his next mission after school. Eventually, it was time for school so Connor walked there, also texting the girls and Duke to inform them. Connor got to school, entering and walked to class. After Connor got to class, he enters, to see Duke and the girls sitting at their desks while talking. Connor smiles as he approach them, sitting with them and they talk for a while before class starts, making them stop talking and get through the day. 

It was currently night and Connor is seen walking his way towards the club that the files said. Arriving, Connor shows his ID and went in, searching for clues. Connor wonders the club, also getting a drink or two as he looked. According to the files, the difference between the night club before and this one is that there is illegal drug use and selling, plus people creating drugs said to make the person go mad for more, similar to the lust drug Connor had before, making them either want more of the drug or be incredibly violent.

Connor drinks as he search, making sure to not to miss anything or look suspicious. Just then, something caught Connor's eye. Connor saw a girl being carried by a man down the hall as she seemed to have a pacifier in her mouth. Connor was confused to why, when he saw them approach Connor, making Connor be prepared to fight or run. "Your Connor, yes?" Asked the man. The girls eyes open as she turns to Connor, her eyes widen with excitement as she jumped from the man's arms and took out the pacifer, talking. "Wow! Your the famous Connor we heard about!" Said the girl. "You know me?" Asked Connor. "Yep! From big bro and I think other places but I don't remember them." Said the girl. "That so...so what does that mean for me since I'm here?" Asked Connor. "Come with me! I wanna get to know you more! I heard so much about you and wanted to see what is true or not!" Said the girl. Connor looks at the girl, thinking it over, thinking maybe he can get information with her help and if not, take down the club by himself. "Sure, why not?" Asked Connor. "Yay! Come on!" Said the girl. She grabs Connor by the hand and pulls him with her down the hall, the man following soon after.

Connor: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now