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Everyone silently looks at the footage in silence before one of the women broke it. "So...what are we gonna do? You planning on taking him?" Asked a woman. "No...this boy is similar to a man at this table and is also being protected by him...the reason I called you here is to inform you about it." Said Yafya. Joe looked at the screen, seeing Connor. Meanwhile, as Alicia walks to the female dorms, she saw someone standing around a corner, wearing a hood. "Hey...what are you doing here?" Asked Alicia. They turned to her while taking off the hood and took out a gun. "Ah, I see I have my hostage." Said Aruna. Footsteps echoed the woods as leaves and sticks were stepped on. As Alicia and Aruna were walking. "Why...why do this?" Asked Alicia. Aruna smirked before turning to Alicia. "For revenge...people kept doing bad things to females in this school, making me want to take revenge on the males, kicking them out and make the girls here safe." Said Aruna. Alicia went silent. "Look...I wasn't gonna hurt anyone, just wanted to get the boys out...but since the fatso got involved and now everyone looking for me, I need to leave, I needed a hostage for escaping...as long as you do as I say, you'll be able to go with no harm." Said Aruna.

Alicia said nothing again, but then smirk. "Actually...someone will stop you." Said Alicia. "Oh yeah? Who?" Asked Aruna. A click of a gun echoed their ears. "Me." A voice spoke. Aruna turns to see Connor. "Hehe...how did you know it was me? And get a gun?" Asked Aruna. "Well...I had enough experiences making me need it and as for finding out, I looked around the school in case you came back, to only see you take Alicia into the woods so I followed." Said Connor. She takes out her gun and fire but Connor was able to dodge fully this time. "Hehe, that all you got?" Asked Connor. She growls, firing more shots but Connor dodge or got hit but not as bad as before, mainly just grazing.

"Come on..." Said Connor She went to fire again but Connor fire his gun first and hit her in the shoulder, making her fall, bleeding. "Hehe..." Connor chuckled. She growled, firing more shots and this time two hit, one hit Connor's right arm and the other hit his stomach but grased it. "AH!" Yelled Connor. "Connor!" Yelled Alicia. Connor knee down before she fired more, three, one hitting his chest and two hitting his shoulders, making Connor scream in pain. Connor fall onto his back, coughing up blood. Alicia runs to Connor and holds him, Connor's blood staining her clothes. "Connor! Connor open your eyes!" Yelled Alicia.

He didn't. "Connor!" Yelled Alicia. Nothing. Aruna walked to them and Alicia holds Connor's body to her, lifting a hand with his gun. "Stay back!" Yelled Alicia. She smirked, walking closer but then, Connor grabs her hand, taking the gun. "It's...ok...I'll...protect...you." Said Connor. Connor sit up and lift the gun, firing motable shots and hit her all over her body, hitting her chest, stomach, legs and more, even shoot her gun out of her hand so she couldn't fight back. Aruna screams, falling from the floor, dead. Suddenly, people, teachers and officers, who were there for a bit to find the person, run to the area. "What the hell happened?!" Asked the principal.

""Connor!"" Yelled Connor's friends and lovers. "Dad/Daddy!" Yelled Andy and Sally. They run to Connor and knee down to him. "What happened?!" Asked Charlotte. "H-He...he saved me..." Alicia muttered. She begins crying. "Wait...he..." Rin muttered as she checked Connor's heart beat...nothing. "No...he...his heart..." Rin muttered as she cried too, the others following afterwards. People who cared for Connor started crying, while others look in shock, seeing that the fat nobody just killed a person.

A lot of people didn't believe it, others were sorry and others were in denile like the scum they are. There was a moment of silence. '...No...get up...for them...come on...get...up!' Connor thought himself as his eyes move before opening. Connor grunts, making everyone look in shock, seeing how he was alive somehow. "He's alive! Come on, we gotta get him to a hospital!" Yelled Rin. From there, Connor was taken to the hospital, where he had to remove several bullets from his body and patch up the bullet wound next to the other one from his first shot since it opened during the fight. Once Connor was patched up, he fall asleep in the hospital bed since he couldn't go home that night and would leave days later.

Connor: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now