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Connor find Luca entering a slaughter house with a truck. Connor sneaks his way in and began searching until Connor notice the truck open and revealed everyone they kidnapped. Connor got himself inside the place and began searching for everyone, tying to take Luca down and save Joe and the others. Connor wonder until eventually, Connor find a meat locker that had grunting of pain, echoing. Connor run to the door and open it carefully so he wouldn't be caught and went through the place, gun in hand and eventually getting to a cyrtain he was using to make sure no one saw him. Connor approached the curtain with a gun, but then..."Kill them." Said Luca. Just then, multiple gunshots echoed as people were shot. "Joe!" Yelled Connor. Connor went through the curtain and saw Joe plus the others, shot down. "Joe..." Connor muttered. Although Connor was using him at first, he slowly started to like him to the point...he consider Joe as his friend. Just then, Luca and the others began firing at him but with the suit, Connor didn't get hit. Connor began firing at them killing all of them instantly before putting his gun away...no more waiting...no more stalling...Connor was gonna kill them tonight.

Connor was able to trick the men who I wanted to hunt to come and eat there but no one knows Connor was the one who invited them. They argue about things due to them turning against each other. Suddenly, they turn to Connor. "Connor? What are you doing here? And where is everyone?" Asked Eddie. "Dead." Said Connor. "Oh...and Luca?" Asked Eddie. "Dead." Said Connor. "Ok...thank you, now you may--" Eddie was cut off. "And its your turn." Said Connor. They stop, turning to Connor. "You really think I'm with you? You and your friends sent men after me and got my boyfriend and daughter shot...now for that...you all die." Said Comnor. Connor took out the gun and hold the trigger, making the bullets fly out fast, killing them all instantly. Connor kept firing until they were dead and once done, Connor turn and began walking out.

Connor made it home and open the door, revealing his bloodstained face and clothes, the warmth of many people run to him, crying and hugging him tight. Due to what happened, Connor was now a target to many people but due to Utai's mum making a machine that once on Connor, hides him or his whereabouts from them and also hacked into the computer they use to track Connor down and stuff and wiped it all, making no one know Connor's face, last name, address and pretty much everything needed to make Connor safe from them, though Connor could handle them, he didn't want everyone else to get involved, that's why he got her to do it. "So Connor, how are you feeling?" Asked Emily. Connor turn to her and then sigh. "I'm not gonna lie...I feel like shit." Said Connor. "I'm sorry baby..." Said Charlotte. She gently rubbed Connor's cheek and Connor makes a smile. "I'm glad its over..." Said Connor. Just then, Connor felt a hand on his leg. Connor turns to Emily. "How about we relief your stress~?" Asked Emily. Connor looks at her, blushing. "Honestly, I feel like I need it." Said Connor. She giggles with Charlotte and look at Connor. "Lets go~." Said Charlotte. They took Connor by his hands and drag him to the bedroom. They enter the bedroom and Connor stop dead in his tracks. Connor saw all of his lovers, in their underwear, smiling at him. "Umm...why?" Asked Connor. "Cause we all missed you~." Said Yang. "A-All of you?" Asked Connor. They all nod. "I can already feel my ability to walk fade." Said Connor. Emily closes and lock the door. "Good~." Said Emily.

Due to Connor's "fun", he passed out and didn't wake up till the next day. Connor awoke to many naked figures all around him, sleeping cutely. Connor smiles, getting off the bed without waking them and walked to the bathroom, taking a shower as he looks down at his chest, revealing his scars. After finishing in the shower, Connor exit the shower, got dry and dressed and walked towards a balcony to get some air when he saw someone there. "At it again huh..." Said Connor. He drops the letter, walking off and disappear. Connor sighs and walked to it, opening it and yet again, all scribbles but a certain line was clear and like the other ones, it said "Any day now". Connor sighs again, putting it away and walked towards the kitchen, starting breakfast.

Connor: Part 1حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن