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Connor and his friends/lovers fight through the group, or at least most of them did. Ruby wasn't able to fight due to her not knowing, she could just beat Connor since he was weakened or tied up or just didn't fight back, making him or Yang to defend her. After a bit, they were half way through them but then, someone tried to stab Connor. "Connor!" Yelled Ruby. She runs to Connor, hugging him, making the knife go into her back. ""Ruby!!!!"" Yelled Connor and Yang.

Connor wraps a arm around Ruby as he took out a knife, stabbing the person in the throat, making them let go of the knife and fell back as Connor's knife came out of the person's neck. Connor uses his arms to hold her and gently put her down on her side while the knife was sticking outwards. Yang runs to them. "Shit! We gotta get her to the hospital!" Yelled Yang. "No, not yet, the knives too deep...everyone, cover us!" Yelled Connor. They nod as Connor ripped a bit of her shirt around the knife, making the wound more visible before Connor grabs a bit of string sticking out of the ripped shirt and yanked the string till it was as long as the stab wound and Connor took out a pin he kept in his pocket, cutting a bit of the string from her shirt and put it through the pin. "This'll have to do as stitches for now..." Said Connor. Connor take out the knife, which made her yelp. Connor starts using the string to stitch her wound up. "It'll do for now...with it like this, she might get to the hospital in time." Said Connor. Once the wound was sowed shut, Connor take out a patch from his jacket and put it on.

"There, that'll also help it from getting infected...take her now!" Said Connor. Yang nods, helping Ruby up. "We'll cover you! Fuko, go with them and drive them to the hospital!" Yelled Connor. Fuko nods and Connor and the others cover Fuko, Ruby and Yang from the people as they leave the place and get to the car. Connor turns to the people. "You kidnap Matsuri...and now hurt Ruby..." Connor muttered. Black and red liquid then came from his eyes. "I'll make you regret it...to the day you all die...that is...if you survive." Said Connor. Connor begin running to them, cutting and stabbing them, not caring if they survive or not. Connor pants from anger before turning to the stairs Izeki was on and run up them after her, hoping to find her and Matsuri. Connor got to the top of the stairs and run through the place like a mad man, looking for Izeki or Matsuri.

As Matsuri was on her knees, tied up, she turns to Izeki, who was waiting for Connor to arrive. "Why are you doing this? What did he do to you?" Asked Matsuri. Izeki looked at her, then down at her feet. "He murdered people and also raped others...I'm sorry about having to kill him but I can't let someone as dangerous a him live..." Said Izeki. "Even so! He did nothing to you! Connor...he is a kind person!" Yelled Matsuri. "You think this is something I wanted?! I love him! I love him so much but I can't do this anymore! I can't let him live as much as I want him to! I can't show him love as much as I want to and I can't let him near anyone as much as he would make them feel safe! I can't, can't, can't!!!" Yelled Izeki. "Still...why..." Matsuri muttered. Connor enter the room, revealing himself and they turn to him. ""Connor!/Connor..."" Said Matsuri and Izeki. "Izeki...there isn't any point in fighting...so I'm gonna grab Matsuri and leave." Said Connor. Connor walks to Matsuri.

"Connor...why...why do this? I mean, you hate me..." Matsuri muttered. Connor looks at her before sighing. "Matsuri...I don't hate you...I just hate how you act, how you force undress me and force me to be a girl...Matsuri, I hate what you do to me but that doesn't mean I hate you." Said Connor. She tears up. "Connor..." Matsuri muttered. Connor smiles at her, about to untie her when a blade came from the corner of his eye. Connor uses his to deflect it, kicking the person back. Connor looks to see it was Izeki.

"I told you Izeki...I don't wanna fight." Said Connor. She said nothing, just lunge at Connor, swinging her knife but Connor dodged. She kept swinging her knife while Connor dodges or deflect it with his but some of them Connor didn't have time to, making Connor get about three or so cuts. "Why?! Why do this?! You killed someone and raped others! You said you'd be a hero! What happened?!" Yelled Izeki. Connor said nothing, getting another cut to his side, deeper then the rest. She kept going as tears went down her face, as if she was regretting this but can't stop. "Izeki please stop...you don't have to do this and you know I would never do anything like that..." Said Connor.

Connor: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now