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Once they got to the hospital, they gave the cure to the doctors and gave some to Rin whole using the rest to make more in case someone needs the cure again. Connor sits on the seat next to Rin and hold her hand, waiting for her to wake up. After a bit she slowly awoke to his hand in hers. "C-Connor?" Rin. weakly said. Connor smiles at her. "Hey Rin...feeling better?" Asked Connor. She nods her head, smiling. "Rin...who did this to you?" Asked Connor. She took a moment before answering.

"Issei." Said Rin. Connor jolts, anger rising. "He tried to get me into his "harem" but when I said no, he threatened me and when I still said no, be injected a syringe into my neck..." Said Rin. Connor looks at her as rage roars inside him. "I'll go have a chat with him then...I'll see you tomorrow, ok?" Asked Connor. She nods and Connor kisses her before leaving.

As Connor walks through the street, he notice someone walking into an alleyway with a worried look. As Connor walked to the alleyway to pass it, he felt this urge to look into it and saw the person, who was a girl and issei who has a evil smirk. "Look hot stuff, I don't know a girl named Racheal, but I can maybe help if you do me a little favour~." Said Issei. "Sorry but I got no money...I just want to find my little sister." Said the girl.

"Aw come on~ You'll enjoy it~." Said Issei. He went to grab her breast but Connor got to him first and put a knife to his throat. "Listen and listen will asshole, I hate you and I wanna kill you...but knowing that this girl is here and scared, I'll let you go now but the next time I see you...this is gonna go into your neck...got it?" Asked Connor. He nods his head, trying to not get stabbed or cut from the kife. "Good." Said Connor. Connor puts the blade back into the handle of the knife. "Get the hell out of here." Said Connor. He runs off. Connor sighs before turning to see the girl was still there, kinda red but also had this look of fear. "Thank you...but did you have to do that?" Asked the girl.

"Look lady, if you know half the things he did, you'll agree saying he deserves it." Said Connor. "Like what?" Asked the girl. "Well...he poisoned my friend and their in the hospital now, he framed me for a crime I didn't do and he is a scumbag that sees women as objects not people." Said Connor. She said nothing. "Anyway, we should get you home." Said Connor. "Wait, I wanted to find my sister." Said the girl. "Oh? You lost her or something?" Asked Connor. "No, I just returned from collage and wanted to see her." Said the girl. "Oh, well I hope you meet her." Said Connor. "Thank you...and thank you for helping me." Said the girl. "No problem...I gotta go, see ya." Said Connor. "Bye." Said the girl. Connor leaves the alleyway, walking in the direction issei ran off from, hoping to find him and kill him.

Connor got to a old factory and enter. The reason he's here is because he notice Issei walking inside. Once inside, Connor saw that the whole place was filled with people having sex. "Holy..." Connor muttered. Connor blushes before looking away. Suddenly, someone grabbed his hand. Connor turns to them and they smile. "Hello cutie~ How may I help you?" Asked the girl. She gently rubbed Connor's crotch but Connor gently grabs it, making her stop. "I um...I was looking for a guy named issei...I'm not here for this." Said Connor. "Oh come on..." Said the girl. "I'm sorry but no, I have a girlfriend and I need to talk to issei." Said Connor. She sighed in defeat. "Ok, ok...he's behind that door over there." Said the girl.

Connor turns to the door. "Thanks, here." Said Connor as he hands her some money. "For the trouble." Said Connor. Connor ran off, getting to the door and enter to see issei getting sucked off by a group of girls that wasn't from his "Harem" or not that Connor know of. He turns to Connor in anger. "What do you want fatass?! Get out!" Yelled Issei. "Oh? You forgot me already? Don't you remember what I said in the alleyway?" Asked Connor. He jolts. "T-That was you?!" Yelled Issei. "Well you didn't see my face so I don't blame you for not remembering." Said Connor. Connor got closer, getting his knife out. "H-Hey! Come on man! What did I do to you?!" Yelled Issei.

Connor: Part 1जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें