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After visiting hours were over and when the cost was clear, Connor went into Yukihime's room. "Hey." Connor muttered. She turns to him. "Hey...how are you?" Asked Yukihime. "Fine...you?" Asked Connor. "Sore." Said Yukihime. "Yeah, I figured." Said Connor as he sits next to her. "I heard about...that night." Said Yukihime. Connor looks down in shame. "Yeah..." Connor muttered. "Connor its ok...look they say its self-defence so nothing to worry about it." Said Yukihime. Connor look at her and smiles, but deep down, he can't help but feel like it wasn't self defence seeing as he purposefully killed him. The two share a smile before Connor remembered something. "Hey, I wanted to ask...why did you kiss me?" Asked Connor. Yukihime blushes as she realise what he meant. "I-I um...i-its...its because I l-like you." Said Yukihime. Connor blushes as she looked away before Connor looked down and got closer, making her turn to him. "I...I like you too." Said Connor. She leaned to Connor and he did too and they share a kiss.

The next day, Connor open his eyes to a blinding light by the hospital window. "Damn..." Connor muttered. He sit up and look around to see he was still in the hospital. "Hey." A voice spoke. Connor turns to see Fuko with a smile. "Hey...what time is it?" Asked Connor. "Its 7:00 am...and they said to pick you up since I'm the only one with a car." Said Fuko. "You have a car?" Asked Connor. She nodded before stepping in. "So how do you feel?" Asked Fuko. "Better then expected." Said Connor. She smiles as she seated. "Connor...I wanted to ask how do you feel about saving a life?" Asked Fuko.

"Good...specially if it's someone I love." Said Connor. She smiles as she got up. "Oh! I need to get Yukihime ready! Connor here's your cloths get dressed and meet me out in the hall." Said Fuko. Connor smiles with a nod. She left and Connor get up and walk to the bathroom. Once he get dressed, Connor leave and see the girls waiting for him. He approach him and Fuko drive Yukihime and Connor to the school so they can walk to their homes. The next day, Connor entered the club and start taking care of the animals when he hear a familiar voice. "Hey prez." Said a voice. Connor turns his head to see a girl that was in this club. "You got out of the hospital yesterday right? Well I'm happy to see you." Said the girl.

"Thanks Izeki...where's Jeff?" Asked Connor. "Well...after he heard what happened on the news between you and that ash guy, he quit so he wouldn't be next." Said Izeki. "Then why are you here?" Asked Connor. "Well...I just met you recently but for some reason I feel like you didn't do it or at least not without a reason so...I stayed to help." Said Izeki. "Thank you Izeki...I'm glad someone other then me and Utai cares for the club." Said Connor. "Utai?" Asked Izeki. "Yeah...she's a elementary school girl...she brought a owl here and now she likes to help with the cleaning." Said Connor. "When did she start?" Asked Izeki. "She started the day we did, remember the girl from the first day of club?" Asked Connor.

"Yeah?" Asked Izeki. "That's her, and she should be here soon since school is almost out so you should say hello when she comes by, at least if your willing to suffer cleaning long enough to meet her." Said Connor. "Since when have I?" Asked Izeki. "First day...you and Jeff were urging to leave." Said Connor. She looked away with a red face. "No I wasn't." Said Izeki. "Whatever you say." Said Connor. With that, they start cleaning for thirty or so minutes until Utai arrived. "Hello Connor." Said Utai. Connor and Izeki turn to Utai. "Afternoon Utai, how was your day at school?" Asked Connor. "It was fine, how about you? And how are your wounds?" Asked Utai. "Fine and they feel ok. Oh anyway, Utai I would like you to meet Izeki...she's a member of the club." Said Connor. "Hello sweetie." Said Izeki.

"Hi." Said Utai. The two started to talk as they clean and feed the animals. As the afternoon went by, Connor and the girls were almost done cleaning. "Ok girls I'm going to spray the hose...step back since its powerful and I don't want you to get hurt." Said Connor. They nod as they went to a spot where they wouldn't get hit unless Connor aim it at them. Connor start spraying the place and clean it when suddenly a loud bang echoed causing Connor to jump out of instinct and turn the hose as he scream and it hit Utai sending her flying to the wall and it made a loud bang as her back hit it. "Oh no!" Yelled Izeki. "Oh fuck!" Yelled Connor. Connor and Izeki yell as they run to Utai. "Are you ok? I'm so sorry, I moved on instinct and--" Connor was cut off by Utai. "It's...ok." Said Izeki. "Izeki check her chest and back in case of bruising...I'll be over there waiting." Said Connor. She nodded as Connor get up and walk to a corner while he heard the sound of cloths being moved up along with small painful pants and a ow from Utai as Izeki checked her chest and back.

Connor: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now