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Hosel runs to Connor, knife in hand. "Connor!" Yelled Aphmau. Hosel then stabbed Connor in the stomach, making him groan in pain before looking down at her, blankly. "You feel better? Or do you want to keep going?" Asked Connor. Both Aphmau and Hosel stare in shock when seeing Connor not affected by the stab. "How..." Hosel muttered. "Don't ask questions you don't want answers to." Said Connor. Hosel backed up as she took out the knife. "Hosel...I won't make you tell me what's wrong...but if you need help or someone to talk to, I'll listen and help you." Said Connor. Connor then turns and began walking off. "Aphmau...I don't expect you to be my friend after this...but same goes for you, if you need me, I'll be here." Said Connor as he walked off. Aphmau and Hosel stand in place, shocked from what just happened.

Connor exits the shower as he looked at the mirror, seeing his reflection, his stomach healed from the stab wound Hosel gave him before. Connor sighs as he began drying off, when he notice phone, which was by his clothes, go off, saying he got a message. Connor grabs the phone, opening it and saw a message from Aphmau. <Hey...can we talk?> Aphmau texted. Connor stare at the message for a moment before texting back. <Sure, is something wrong?> Connor responds. Connor puts the phone down and continue drying himself as he waits. After a minute or so, when Connor finished and was about to get dressed, when he got a message from Aphmau. Connor opens the phone and looked at the message. <Can you tell me what we were before my amnesia? Please?> Aphmau texted. Connor was silent for a moment, staring at the message, trying to consider telling her or not. After a moment, Connor text back. <We use to date> Connor replies.

Ever since the message, Connor hasn't gotten any messages from Aphmau and figured she needed time alone. Connor got to the school with the girls when suddenly, they saw Aphmau approach them. Seeing her, the girls proper to stop her from hurting Connor again when Connor gently lift a hand, saying its ok. "Hey Aphmau...is everything ok?" Asked Connor. Aphmau looked down before hugging Connor. Connor blushes as he looked down, the girls jolting and looking jealous. "Connor...I'm so sorry...I had forgotten...but now I remember." Said Aphmau. Connor opens his eyes wide, hearing her. "Connor...I'm sorry for leaving." Said Aphmau. Connor looked at Aphmau before gently wrapping his arms around her, embraced her in a tight, yet gentle and warm hug. "I'm...glad to have you back." Said Connor.

Later that day, at lunch, Connor and the girls were eating as they talk. "So, you remembered after getting the message about out past relationship?" Asked Connor. "Yeah...it was like a trigger...everything from back before the incident came back." Said Aphmau. "That's good to hear." Said Connor. Suddenly, there was a explosion. The girls scream as others did and some people went flying from the force. Landing on his feet, Connor looked up and saw that one of the school buildings exploded. Just then, what looked to be a grenade was thrown to them. Connor saw this and run to it, catching it mid-air and use his strength to toss it up in the air, exploding.

Connor then turned right in time to get a shot in the shoulder. Connor called out as he fell and bleed. Looking up, Connor saw some men approaching Connor and about kill his loved ones. Seeing this, Connor growls. Connor got up and run to them, killing them using his strengh to explode their heads with a punch or tear them apart. Connor pants as he looked down, blood dripping from him. Just then, more explosions is seen, destroying the school buildings, to the point all of them were destroyed and most of the school was too. Connor looked into the direction of them before turning to the girls.

"Girls, get out of here! Call the cops and get to safely!" Yelled Connor. They do so and Connor began looking for all rbe woople involved in this, killing them till one was left. Getting to the last person, Connor saw that it was who he thought it was. "Big bro." Connor muttered. "Hey Connor." Said Big bro. Connor growls, remembering what he did. "I'll kill you!" Yelled Connor. Connor jumped at him, attempting to claw at him, go only get another shot in the chest. Connor fell as he look up, bleeding. "I don't know how you survived, but I'll make sure you don't this time." Said big bro. He then fire several shots all over his body, shooting his chest, head and other places, killing Connor. Big bro smirked before turning away, tossing a grenade at Connor, it exploding a moment or so later and destroyed his body and skull, revealing most his skull and all his body being gone.

Connor: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now