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Once they were out, they split up, everyone left while Connor went looking for Sofia and also help anyone in need of it along the way until eventually, Connor got up the stairs. Connor run through the place until he notice a metal door with the words armoury. Connor run to it as the green veins appear and Connor kicks the door, making it go flying inwards slightly before falling and reveal many, many guns, bombs and more. Connor looks at it and smirks. Connor enter the room, grabbing a machine gun, a few magazines, a pistol and a few magazines for that too, two knives in case he needed them and a bag of all the hand gernades that Connor stick to his side. As Connor walked out, he grabbed a gernade and pull the pin before tossing it behind him so they wouldn't get the weapons and fight back. Connor begin running through the hallway as it went off and Connor also began killing and throwing the gernades, killing them while looking for Sofia.

Sofia is seen inside a bedroom with Marcus, who was touching her. "So my love...how do you like the castle?" Asked Marcus. Sofia said nothing, just cried, knowing she wont be able to go home. He growled before pinning her to the bed, making her scream. "I'm done with you not speaking to me! I had it! I was trying to be nice and make you comfortable before doing this but I had enough!" Said Marcus. He began moving to her dress, making Sofia scream more. Suddenly, the door burst open, making the two look at it. "Get off her, you sick fuck!" Yelled Connor. "Connor!" Yelled Sofia. Marcus got up and look at Connor with anger. Suddenly, more people enter, aka the people who he imprison. "Where are our girlfriends!?" Asked one of them. "Why the hell would I tell you?!" Asked Marcus. Connor run to him and grab him by his neck, pinning him down and place the gun at his head.

"Speak before I fucking kill you!" Yelled Connor. Marcus pant with fear before pointing to a shelf. "Guys, check the shelf...there might be something here." Said Connor. They run to it and pushed the shelf, making the shelf fall and reveal a doorway with stone stairs like the dungeon. They run down and Connor turn to Marcus again. "Listen and listen good...you are going to stop this shit and never do this again...if you even try, I will fucking kill you...got it?" Asked Connor. He said nothing. Connor got up and went to Sofia. She got up and hugs Connor, crying into his shoulder. Suddenly, she looked behind Connor before looking shocked. "Connor, watch out!" Yelled Sofia. Connor turns around as he aims and fires a shot with the pistol.

Marcus fell dead from the gunshot, having been shot in the head. "Connor...your bleeding..." Sofia mutters. Connor glances down at the knife in his side, due to Marcus being able to stab him before he died from the gunshot. Taking out the blade, Connor noticed a candle by the nightstand, getting up and grab the candle, using the heat and wax to seal the wound till he got to the hospital. After he finished, Connor turns to Sofia. "It's gonna be ok...we'll get out of here...come on." Said Connor. She was staring at Connor, scared. "You...killed him." Sofia muttered. Connor looks at her and then him. "I know...I'm so sorry you had to see that...I really didn't want you to see this or anyone being killed...but I had no choice...come on, let's get you home." Said Connor. Connor then took a quick glance to see everyone running from the stair case with females or children and run out of the room before he turn to Sofia again. "Will you let me save you?" Asked Connor. She tears up, nodding and Connor smiles. "Good...lets go." Said Connor. She got off the bed and hugged Connor, which Connor did back and they walked out the door like that but Connor made sure to be on guard and protect her from harm.

While wondering the halls, Connor was able to find a room that looked like a place doctors do sergery on someone. Connor look around but then saw Jason's body on the table, lines all over it as if someone was about to disect him. Connor looks in rage before turning to Sofia.

"Close your eyes..." Said Connor. Sofia jolts but did so, not wanting to know why since she could obviously tell Connor was gonna do something. Just then someone with puffy hair and glasses walked out. "H-Huh?! Who the hell are you?!" Asked the man. Connor looks at him, full hatred, before firing the gun, firing many bullets at once and hit him, killing him instantly. Connor looks at him and pant for a moment before tearing up and fall to his knees, holding his head and screamed as loud as he could from anger and sadness. Just then, Connor felt a hug from his right. Connor turns to see Sofia, crying. "I'm so sorry..." Said Sofia. Connor looks at her and cry as he wrap his arms around her and hold her to him. After a bit, they let go and began walking out of the room as Connor carried Jason on his back.

Connor: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now