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Before long, school ends and Connor got ready to meet with Yukihime. Connor was about to leave to meet with Yukihime when Chi approached him. "Hey Connor want to walk home together?" Asked Chi. Connor turns to her, about to tell her he couldn't when she kept speaking. "And Zero agreed to come too." Said Chi. "Sorry but I-" Connor was cut off by a loud bang coming from behind the classroom door as it swung open there was a lot of girls at the door with angry faces.

"You!" One yelled, pointing to Connor, making him say the one thing that was right at that moment. "Welp I'm dead." Said Connor. Just then, someone else walked into the room. "Please move out of the way." Said Yukihime. They look at her. "Y-Yukihime, don't go near him!" Said one of the people. Yukihime didn't listen, just push them out of the way and enter the classroom, walking to Connor with a smile. "So, you ready?" Asked Yukihime. Connor nods as he grabbed his stuff and the two walked out and saw other people stare at them as they left the school and walked to a Cafe nearby.

Once they got there and got something to drink, Connor was about to ask what her problem was when suddenly, Yukihime turned around really fast, as if she thought she was being watched. "What's wrong?" Asked Connor. She answered with a nerves smile looking like she's trying to act normal even though Connor could tell she was uneasy. "Connor...the reason I brought you here." Yukihime mutters as she slightly looked behind her and said. "Because someone else has been stalking me." Said Yukihime. Connor looked at her with a serious face. "Tell me more about it." Said Connor.

She nods and leans forward a bit more and Connor did the same. "Something happened a few weeks ago and now people are trying to kill me." Said Yukihime. "What happened?" Asked Connor. "I would rather not talk about it now...maybe later, anyway this person tried to kill me many times and in different places when I was alone like the toilet, class and shower." Said Yukihime. 'S-shower?' Connor thought to himself as he got a fantasy of her in the shower, which she noticed and made a look at him with that pissed off "are you serious" face and hit Connor over the head with a hard punch with her right fist.

"Pervert." Said Yukihime. Connor give her another nervous smile and with that face she continued. "So, I need your help on catching him and getting him to stop." Said Yukihime. "Ah, so you want me to be your bodyguard huh?" Asked Connor. She nodded before she stood up. "We should leave." Said Yukhime. She got her purse out. "Wait I'll pay." Said Connor. "But I took you out." Said Yukihime. "It's fine you can pay me back later." Said Connor. Connor took out his wallet and paid for the drinks before they left the Cafe. Along the way home, Connor felt this presents like someone was following them, making him think it was the stalker that yukihime munched to him.

Connor look at Yukihime and telling from her expression, she felt it two. Connor got his fists clenched in his pockets and got ready to fight whoever was there. As the two walked, Connor felt the presence get closer and closer until finally, he felt someone yank him and Yukihime into an alleyway. Connor broke free instantly and elbow the person, making him let Connor and Yukihime go. Connor pulled Yukihime with him as he turns to see who the figure was. The figure was wearing a blue mask that covered his face and even though Connor was far from him, he could tell the greenish hair was a wig, instead of his normal hair colour or it being dyed due to lines on the ends of his head areas and such, making it clear that what he has on his head was fake and purple coloured contacts on too to hide his identity.

"Who the hell are you?" Asked Connor. He looked at him, taking out a knife and pointed it slightly at him. "I come to kill Yukihime." Said the figure. From the persons voice and answer, Connor could tell he was wearing a voice changer and knew for sure that he was the guy who came to kill her. Connor looked at him and then Yukihime. "Run!" Yelled Connor. The two run out of the alleyway as the guy runs after them but Connor took out his box cutter and throw it and it lands into his shoulder, making him fall back in pain. Connor and Yukihime got out of the alleyway and head to a cross walk, not looking at the road but Connor saw one coming.

Connor: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now