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Later that night, Connor was currently in the shower, cleaning himself from his sweat and such. Connor sighs as he cleaned himself and turn off the shower, walking out and began drying himself off. Connor then notice spare clothes about his size to the side that Katsura spared him since he didn't have any change of clothes. Connor got dressed and when done, there was a pound at the door down stairs. "Fuck." Connor muttered. Katsura is seen stepping back, her boyfriend having just burst though the door, due to them forgetting to lock it. "There you are." Said the boy. Katsura looked at the boy, scared. The boy got closer, approaching her and went to grab her. Before he could, he was grabbed and punched in the stomach, making him fall to his knees, gagging. Looking up, the two saw Connor, looking pissed. Connor then punched the boy in the face, breaking his nose and make blood leak from the nose and mouth. Connor then grabbed him by the neck and drag him by the neck to the door, tossing him across the yard.

Landing, the boy looked at Connor, blood still leaking from him. "If you ever come here again or try and touch Katsura again, I'll fucking kill you! You hear me, you fucking dickhead?!" Yelled Connor. The boy doesn't speak, terrified at Connor's strength before Connor slam the door shut. Connor sighs before turning snd rushes to Katsura, grabbing her shoulders with gentle grip. "Are you ok? Did he hurt you?" Asked Connor, his eyes soft and worried. "Y-Yes...I'm ok." Said Katsura. "Ah...good...I'm so sorry for not coming sooner...you must've been scared." Said Connor. "Connor...its ok...he didn't hurt me because your here...thank you." Said Katsura. Connor looked at her and smiles warmly. "No problem." Said Connor. Just then, Connor felt Katsura's warm body hugging him. Connor blushes as he felt her breasts against him. "Connor...I'm really thankful." Said Katsura. Connor wanted to speak, but doesn't, knowing something must be wrong. The reason he could tell something was wrong was cause the thank you he just got, sounded as if this was the first time something kind happened to her.

Connor was concerned, thinking she was hurt in the past and wants to ask, but couldn't bring himself to, not cause he couldn't, but cause he didn't want to bring up something that hurt her. Connor sighs before hugging her back, giving her a gentle yet tight and warm hug. Doing so, Katsura blushes as she felt his arms around her, her breasts squeezing closer to him. The two hug for a bit before stopping and turn to the closest clock to see the time to see it was now late and about time for bed. "We should get to bed." Said Connor. "Y-Yeah...I'll show you to the guest room." Said Katsura. The two walked to the stairs, going up them and walked to the guest room, saying goodnight before separating.

Connor awoke maybe around midnight, having just had a nightmare. Ever since that time the virus put Connor into some sort of dream, torturing him, Connor has been through it many times since then, the only difference between now and then is when Connor sleeps, in the form of nightmares. Due to Connor having the girls to sleep with him and comfort him, he didn't have them too often, but since they died, Connor hasn't have any comforting and been through the nightmares more often, even adding the girls to it as well. Thanks to the chip still working on making sure the virus doesn't get control by lowering Connor's will, Connor isn't at risk of losing his body just yet, but it still tries to break Connor's will and take control through the dreams, the virus somehow connecting the dreams with his nerves and body, making him die, feel pain and exactly as the people he killed and all that, making Connor die many, MANY times and felt the pain and all that of happening, but because of Connor's promise to rid the world of evil, he won't let it win, even if everyone he loved and saved, make him go through hell in his dreams.

Anyway, Connor got up and looked down, getting off the end and went to the door, wanting to go outside for some fresh air. Connor exit the room and into the hall, walking to the back door, Connor exit and look into the night sky, feeling the nice, cool breeze hitting him. Connor looked down before noticing someone exiting the house behind him. Turning, Connor saw Katsura, blushing. "H-Hey...U-Um...what a-are you doing out here?" Asked Katsura. "Huh? Oh I needed some air...I...had a bad dream." Said Connor. Katsura looked at Connor before getting closer. "W-Want to talk about it?" Asked Katsura. Connor was silent for a moment before speaking. "I...I lost my family and...I was having a nightmare about what I saw the day of their death." Connor half lied. Connor did have a dream like that, but he didn't want to go into detail on what the dream about, but to put it short, it was about everyone he loved die before his eyes. Katsura looked at Connor, her eyes open wide. "Oh my god..." Katsura muttered. Connor looked down before turning to Katsura, smiling. "Don't worry about it." Said Connor. "But...I made you talk about something so horrorible..." Said Katsura.

Connor: Part 1Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin