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Connor stares down at the boy on his knee, the second to the side, looking angry. "And to answer your question...no I don't think I'm hot shit...I don't care for Crystal and Zoe's looks...they are beautiful, but even so, doesn't mean I'd act as it they were objects like you do...you just want them for their looks, not for their personality...just as you all mistreat Jiho and Duke cause of their looks spite them being strong willed people who are great to be around and be friends with, same with Crystal and Zoe, pretty or not, ugly or not." Said Connor.

Connor's friends look at Connor, hearing his words. Connor then spoke again. "And my friends are all I have left...which is why I don't care what happens to me, but hurt my friends or make them uncomfortable and I'll beat you...and you better be lucky I'm strong willed enough to stop myself after beating you and maybe dislocating a body part...cause normally I'd do worse." Said Connor in a cold, murderous tone, scaring everyone around them. Connor then turns and walked to the table, sitting with his friends. The boys then left, leaving Connor with his friends. They continue eating and talking...until. "Connor...if you don't mind me asking...when you said your friends are all you have left...does that mean you don't have a family anymore?" Asked Jim. There was a moment of silence before Connor spoke. "Yeah...my family are gone...there's no one left." Said Connor. "Oh God...I'm so sorry." Said Zoe. "Don't be...you did nothing to be sorry for." Said Connor. "Still..." Zoe mutters. . From there, they continue eating their lunch and when done, they head to class.

Later that night, getting to his job, Connor does what he needed to do. As Connor works, he notice the door open. Turning to the person, Connor saw it was Eugene. Connor waits for Eugene to get what he wanted to buy and when getting what he wanted, Connor scans and Eugene pays for them. After being his things, Eugene went to leave, but stopped, turning to Connor. "I...I wanted to say I'm sorry for how I acted when we first met...I thought you were someone who abuses his strength for bad things and wanted to stop you...but seeing how you've been kind and from what I heard today in the cafeteria, I realised your not who I thought you were and...I wanted to make amends...maybe become friends." Said Eugene. Connor looks at Eugene before speaking with a smile. "Sure...to be honest I'd do the same of someone abuses their power...and I'd like to be friends...how about you join me and my friends to lunch tomorrow." Said Connor. Eugene smiles and nods. From there Eugene left the store and Connor smiles before getting back to work.

Connor is seen walking down the street. It was his day off and Connor thought he'd take the time to do something different. Connor would sometimes go out at night to hunt for bad people or illegal deals and take them down and Connor knew just the place for tonight. You see, a few days back, Connor heard people mention a club that is rumoured to have prostates that are there against their will, like sex slaves. Connor thought he'd check it out to see if it's true and if it was, Connor would take them down and free who they have captured. Anyway, Connor walked to the club as he ties his tie, due to him having to dress fancy. Due to the place being made for rich people, though you still can go in if your over 18, you need a suit or he rich to get in, if you have neither you won't be let in spite being 18 or older. Connor got to the club and walked to the entrance, to only he stopped by the guard. "ID?" Asked the man. Connor hands him a ID that he made himself, changing his date of birth in to one in this certain time period where he'd be 18. Seeing the ID and check Connor out to know if he has the right clothes, he returned the ID and let Connor in.

Connor enters the club and saw multiple people dancing and drinking and even having sex in the open. Connor felt sick to his stomach, cause he could tell half the girls didn't want it or were forced to do it. Connor wanted to kill them all and free the girls, but stopped cause this isn't enough evidence to know for sure, as far as he knows its acting so he needs more proof before acting. Connor walked through the club as he looks around for anything to give him proof that the rumours are true. Just then, Connor notice the guy at the bar staring at him. Connor stares back before approaching the bar, sitting down. "What can I get for you?" Asked the bartender. "Can I get the biggest glass you got of beer?" Asked Connor. The bartender looks at Connor before grabbing a large jug and filled it to the brim with beer. When in front of Connor, Connor grabs it and began drinking. Connor jugs the entire thing, causing everyone around him to look surprised. Connor finished and put the glass down. "Another please." Said Connor. The bartender looks at Connor in surprise before grabbing the jug and filled it again with beer. When filled, the bartender puts the jug onto the table in front of Connor, where he grabbed it and about to drink, when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

Connor: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now