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Later that night, Connor was seen wondering the roof of a tower with Para, looking for the person she's searching for. "By the way, if you don't mind me asking, why did you want me to come? You seem to be capable of beating one guy." Said Connor. "Cause Niko told me about you and what your capable of, also having seen or heard about you on the news and all that, so I wish to see for myself." Said Para. "That so...I'll be sure to not disappoint." Said Connor. 

Looking around, they suddenly saw someone on the roof next door. Once they get there and he saw them and ran. Para ran after him and Connor instinctively followed. "Throw me!" Yelled Para. Connor look at her for a second before nodding. She then went into a superhero pose as Connor hold her up with one arm by her stomach and threw her to the guy and she kicked him to the ground.

He got up and threw a knife at her. Connor runs to her and it lands on his chest. "AAAAHHH!!!" Yelled Connor as he fell and para caught him. "Connor!" Yelled Para. Connor pulls out the saw and look at him. "I'm okay." Said Connor. Connor and para ran to him and the three of them fought for what seemed like hours. The guy threw another knife at para and she dodged it and Connor go behind him and punch him from behind and sent him flying to the other side of the roof. Connor runs to him and lift him by the neck and threw him to para and she kicked him and sent him flying. Connor walks to him. Suddenly he shot something at para but Connor got to her and stand in front of her and the object went into his chest.

"No!" Yelled Para. Connor fell as she caught him again and went onto her knees. "I'm alright." Said Connor. Connor went to get up when he saw him with a machete or something and swung it at para. Connor lift his left arm up and it was cut off. Although it hurt, Connor was able to swing a kick and hit him making him go flying. Connor get up and so did he. "I...I won't let you hurt her!" Yelled Connor. Connor run to him and they threw punches and hit each other for the past hour until Connor got him and sent him flying off the building and he heard a splat of something.

Suddenly, Connor fell back and before hitting the ground, Para catch him. "It's alright...I'll patch you up." Said Para. With that, he blacks out. Connor open his eyes to see he was in an alleyway with his body stitched and bandaged and his arm was stitched back on. Connor sigh before noticing Para leaning on him, asleep, maybe because she got tired waiting for Connor to wake up. Connor lower my eyes to see her breasts.

"Oh no...don't get hard, don't get hard, don't get hard!" Connor thought to himself...but he failed. He then glance up at para to see she was awake and had wide eyes and a red face. "Um...I think its best if you get up." Said Connor. "Agreed." Said Para. She got up and went out of the alleyway we were in but before she did, she tossed him tissues. "Don't take too long." Said Para. Connor nods. Connor finish and went out of the alleyway right when Para grabbed his tie and pull him to the motor bike.

After getting to Connor's house, they got off the motor bike and walk to Connor's him. They arrive at his home but before Connor open the door, he turns to Para. "Are you ok?" Asked Connor. She looked down. "I-I'm so sorry...you got hurt because of me..." Said Para. "No need to apologise...I would've save anyone in need...and...I would do it again if your in danger." Said Connor. She looked at him with a red face and smile. "I see why you should be a hero." Said Para. She said as she leaned to him and gave him a peck on the cheek as she walked past him. Connor blushes before turning to the door to see Yukihime peeking her head out with an angry face. Suddenly she jumps at him.

Connor walked to class with a smile when he notices a kid his age running after someone. "Zero!" Yelled Connor as he runs after them. Right as Connor got to them, he sees Zero on the ground with blood on his face. The boy then pulled out a syringe. Connor run to them and tackle the boy down to the ground as he felt a sharp pain in his chest. "Connor!" Zero yell as everything went black. Later that day, Connor awoke in the hospital with a bad headache. He shrugs it off and look around. Suddenly the door opened and Zero came in. Connor turn to him.

Connor: Part 1Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora