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Elizabeth and Joe walked to a area alone, making them not seen and heard by the others. "What really happened?" Asked Joe. Due to Elizabeth knowing Joe's smart enough to know see her lie, she wasn't as surprised.."I...found him in the basement of our house..." Elizabeth muttered. Joe said or did nothing, trying to keep calm. "Why did you lie?" Asked Joe. "Because I was scared...I didn't know what to do or think and...I'm sorry." Said Elizabeth. Joe looked at Elizabeth before wrapping a arm around her, hugging Elizabeth and comfort her. Elizabeth cries into Joe's chest as he comforts her. Once she calmed down, they let go.

"Elizabeth...do you know if everyone is related to this?" Asked Joe. "Well...after Connor went missing, dad said he killed Asia and everyone but me, Sam and Matsuri believed him...since then everyone's been going to the basement but I wasn't suspicious of any thing until tonight when dad came out with blood on his hands..." Elizabeth muttered. Joe looked at Elizabeth before getting up. "I'll be back...I'm gonna have a chat with your family." Said Joe. Elizabeth nods. Joe walked out of the hospital. Joe walked to Elizabeth's house and once there, he practically kicked the door down. Just then, a moment later, everyone runs down stairs from their rooms to see Joe. "Hey! What is your--" Tom was cut off by Joe punching him, sending him flying. "Dad! What are you--" Summer was cut off by Joe slapping her. "Don't you fucking dare talk to me! I know what you did!" Yelled Joe. "W-What?" Summer muttered. "I know about what you did to Connor." Said Joe. Everyone looked at Joe in shock at what they heard. "How...do you know?" Asked Summer. "Because Elizabeth found him and brought him to the hospital." Said Joe. Everyone then realise Elizabeth and Sam weren't there.

"Where is Sam and Elizabeth?!" Yellled Tom. "The hospital...their currently waiting to know Connor's condition with his family." Said Joe. "Wait...so we're gonna get arrested?" Asked Ruby, in tears, scared. "That's for Connor to decide if he wakes up...I'm only here to say this." Joe muttered as he looked at the family before speaking again. "David, Raven, Summer...I disown you as my children." Said Joe. Summer gasped, tears going down her face while Qrow and Raven stare in shock. "And I disown you two as my granddaughters...only Elizabeth, Sam, Matsuri and Connor are my remaining grandchildren." Said Joe. "Why him?! He's not in this family!" Yelled Tom. "I don't care...ever since I met Connor, I accepted him and loved him as if he was my grandson, blood related or not and a true family would treat its members, blood related or not as family...and for this, you won't see either of the kids again...and if I ever see you again I'm gonna call the police." Said Joe. Joe turns and began walking out the door. "Daddy...wait--" Summer was cut off again. "Your not my daughter anymore...so don't ever call me that again." Said Joe. He walked to the door and exit, leaving the house.

Arriving back to the hospital, Joe saw Elizabeth outside, crying. Seeing this, Joe runs to her and gently grabbed her shoulders. "Elizabeth! What happened?!" Asked Joe, to only get no answer. Joe gets a bad thought of that happened and runs to the entrance of the hospital, running to the room Connor was in. Entering, Joe saw everyone around Connor, crying or looking sad. Joe gotncloser to see Connor awake, making him happy. "Connor!" Yelled Joe. Joe runs to the bed and knee down to it. "Son, are you ok? How do you feel?" Asked Joe. Connor turns to him and spoke, saying exactly what made everyone sad... "Who...are you?" Asked Connor. Out in the hallway, Connor's family is seen talking its the doctor "Amnesia..." The doctor muttered, everyone looking at him. "It appears that wherever he was, Connor got several injuries to the head that wasn't treated and it got to the point his brain began getting enough trauma to cause it...he should be able to get his memories back, but you better be careful and not overload him at once...try giving him little reminders at a time." Said the doctor. "Right...we will...is he ok to go home?" Asked Richard.

"Yes, I don't know how but his body seems to be stable and able to leave, but it be best to have him stay the night here, just in case and when he goes, you may need to help him since he's too weak and also need food." Said the doctor. "Right." Said Richard. "If theirs any problems please bring him back." Said the doctor. The doctor left and everyone walked to Connor's room. "Hey sweetie." Said Rachael. "Um...hello...who are you?" Asked Connor. "I'm Rachael, your mother...this is Richard, your father and Taylor your brother...we're your family." Said Rachael. "Who are they?" Asked Connor. "I-I'm Elizabeth...your friend." Said Elizabeth. "I'm Sam, her older sister." Said Sam. "And we're their grandparent's...I'm May and this is my husband Joe." Said May. From there, they talked to Connor and tried to help him remember as much as he could. Connor was currently laying in the hospital bed, trying to remember everyone, but couldn't. Just then, Connor notice someone enter the room, revealing themselves to be Rin, her hair longer because she didn't cut it. "Connor..." Rin muttered. She came as soon as she saw the news, which said about Connor being found. Rin rushes to Connor and hug him, crying into his shoulder. Connor stared in confusion to who she was. "U-Um...w-who are you?" Asked Connor. Rin opens her eyes wide, hearing what he said before letting go.

Connor: Part 1Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin