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Connor awoke to the warmth of Summer beside him, asleep cutely and peacefully. Connor smiles before kissing her forehead before getting off the bed without waking her up and walked to the door as he put his pants on and right when at the door, there was a pound on it. Connor opened it to see Tom, looking pissed. "What the hell are you doing here?!" Yelled Tom. "Stayed the night." Said Connor. He growls and went to grab Connor but Connor grabs his wrist, breaking it and he fell back, holding his wrist as he yelled. Connor looks down at him. "I ain't gonna let you do what you want." Said Connor. Connor grabs him by the collar. "Now...your gonna pack your shit and go...or else." Said Connor. He growls. "This is my home!" Yelled Tom. "Not anymore...go...now." Said Connor.

Connor pick him up and throw him down the stairs, making him fall down and eventually go to the bottom as everyone came from their rooms and from the living room, revealing everyone. "What happened?" Asked Raven. "Tom was about to leave...weren't you?" Said Connor. He growls before getting up and groans as he got to the door and left. "*Sigh* Damn it..." Connor muttered. Just then, Elizabeth hugged Connor from behind, which hurt slightly due to the scratches the girls gave him but Connor ignore it. "Connor, are you ok?" Asked Elizabeth. "I'm fine..." Said Connor. Elizabeth looked at Connor, concerned.

"Really, it's ok." Said Connor. She sighs, letting go of Connor. "If your sure..." Said Elizabeth. "Come on, lets get some breakfast." Said Connor. They went down stairs and once to the kitchen, they got breakfast before eating and once done, Connor left.

As Connor walked down the street, he could feel the same presents off being followed. Connor ignore it in case someone was just coming the same way as him but if it didn't stop by the time he reach near his school and dorm, he would confront them or try to lose them. As Connor walk, he took a small glance to see someone familiar walking behind him. "Izumi?" Asked Connor. Izumi was behind Connor, following him. Seeing that Connor saw her, she tried to run and hide but Connor got to her before she did and she looked at him.

"I-I'm very sorry! I didn't mean to scare you or anything, I just wanted to talk and got nervous..." Said Izumi. "Hey, no harm done." Said Connor. "Your...ok with it?" Asked Izumi. "I mean yeah, your nice and I doubt you'd be able to do anything if you wanted to like attack me or something and even if you did I can handle myself...so what did you wanna talk about?" Asked Connor. She looked at Connor before looking down. "Is it true...that your dating multiple women, plus shota?" Asked Izumi. "Yeah, why?" Asked Connor. "W-What is your plan of life with them?" Asked Izumi. "Well I'd love and protect them...I do what I can go make them happy and do eveyone in my power to make them satisfied and very loved." Said Connor. Izumi looked at Connor and then down.

"U-Um...if you were to have another person to love...what would you do?" Asked Izumi. "I'd do the same...it doesn't matter to me how many people there are, I'd try and do everything for them no matter what happens and if someone else wants in I do it for them too." Said Connor. Connor looks at her. "Why do you ask? Is something wrong?" Asked Connor. She said nothing. "Izumi, if somethings wrong please tell me...I'll help you no matter what it is." Said Connor. She took a moment before looking at him. "I...I never had a boyfriend before...so when I got one recently...I was never treated like you explained you'd treat your lovers...I just wanted to know if it was normal." Said Izumi.

Connor looks at her before sighing. "No Izumi...a boyfriend or girlfriend should be there for their lover no matter what...the fact that he isn't there for you means he doesn't deserve you...he doesn't deserve anyone." Said Connor. "T-Then what do I do?!" Asked Izumi. She yells while crying. Connor looked at her before hugging her, making her blush but hug back, crying into Connor's shoulder. "Break up with him...he doesn't deserve you and the fact that he ain't there for you means he isn't worthy of someone as beautiful and kind as you." Said Connor. She looked into space, blushing but close her eyes again and begins crying.

Connor: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now