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Just then Connor notice everyone approach him. "Stay back..." Said Connor. "But Connor--" Yukihime was cut off by connor. "No means fucking no! I don't forgive you! I don't want you in my life! I don't want anyone of you near me! You did nothing but harm me all because of a stupid lie that you should've known was a lie!" Yelled Connor. They jolt while stepping back. "You all know for a fact that I'd never do that! Whatever they said you know I don't kill unless there is a reason! You all should know that I never rape anyone! You all are smarter then that!" Yelled Connor. "Connor we're sorry! We just--" Connor cuts Chi off. "Save it! You lost your fucking chance! I am done with all of you! You all are nothing to me now! Get the fuck out of my life!" Yelled Connor.

At that moment, Connor could see in their eyes that their heart broke, but he don't care since they never cared when it happened to him. "Get the hell out of here...I don't ever wanna see you again." Said Connor. "You have no right to yell at them!" Yelled Jaune. "Yes I fucking do! Just as I have a right to fucking yell and maybe even beat the shit out of you! You and your crappy excuse for friends beat me almost to death every day! You all use me! You all treat me as if I enjoy killing! As if I enjoy being beaten and raped! Enjoy being bullied or used! So. Fuck. Off!" Yelled Connor.

Connor push him hard enough to make him fall to the ground. "Your just a prick like Issei, wanna fuck every woman you see! Wanna use women as sex toys and not truly love them! You are a scumbag who deserves nothing but to be beaten to a fucking polp!" Yelled Connor. He growls when suddenly someone lunge at Connor, throwing a punch. Connor catch it and twist it to the point where it broke and he fell as he held it. Connor let go and step back. "You all want a piece of me? Fine, bring it." Said Connor.

They growl and the boys lunge at him. Connor dodge and began punching and kick them, breaking bones or knock them out and they fall. "Hehe, seriously? You all could beat me before, thinking your hot shit but now you can't." Said Connor. Just then, Connor felt a slap. He turn to see it was Ruby. "Why...you weren't always violent...what happened to you big brother?" Asked Ruby. Connor look at her in anger before gripping her collar and yank her up to him. "Never. Fucking. Call me. Your brother! You lost that privlige a long. Fucking. Time ago...and to answer your fucking question, you...you are the reason...you and your crappy sister and friends! You are all to blame...them included." Said Connor as he turns to his ex-friends/lovers.

"You all did this to me...so don't fucking act as if you are a victim." Said Connor. Connor throws her back and Yang caught her before she fell to the floor. "What's your problem?!" Yelled Yang. Connor look at her. "You...you being born." Said Connor. She looked at him shocked and many people did the same. Connor turns away and went to walk off...when... "You are scum! You deserve to die! You deserve it!" Yelled a boy. Connor turn to him and smile. "Why don't you tell me something I don't know or don't want?" Asked Connor. They jolt. "Connor...you..." Zero was cut off. "Don't you fucking say a fucking word...I don't care for what you have to say...you lost all that the day you believed the pervert Issei." Said Connor. Connor walked away.

As Connor sit on his bed, he look at the roof. Connor glances to his right as he notice the same figure he saw before in his dreams. "Wow...are you finally seeing it?" Asked Connor look at him and then down. "Did you honestly think anyone was gonna stay with you? did you honestly think they would stay with you? Did you think people want to be with a killer? A monster? Hell I bet from what you did outside, your girlfriend, friends and the kids will think the same and abandon you...you should end it...you should...cut, cut, cut, CUT!!!" The figure yelled. Tears went from Connor's eye as it went dull and he took out his pocket knife...cut...cut...cut...

Connor opens the blade and place it on my skin, pressing against it and began pressing it hard as he move it, making deep, gashes on his wrist and some blood even splat onto his face and the bed due to the pressure form the vein. Connor began cutting more and more and strangly...felt numb again...as if...his body somehow went completely and utterly numb. Connor kept going, cutting deeper and make more and more gashes and even began stabbing his arm and hand...they wanted this didn't they...they wanted him to suffer...its only a matter of time...its always gonna happen...no one wants me here...no one wants him alive...he don't have his family, he lost his friends, he lost his lovers and thought he's got Rin, Niko, Utai, Andy, Jason, Rico, snowball and Penny, its only a matter of time before they do the same...in fact...what he did outside probably did it...they went on their sjde. Connor began laughing like a manic. "I'm...so stupid...thinking I had a chance to have friends...a new life...a child or lover..." Connor mutters. Connor looked at his now destroyed arm and probably reveals his entire wrist bone, also making him see that the tattoo of the butterfly was gone too...that's right...he didn't need it...ahaha...he...was gonna lose it anyway...he was gonna get rid of it. "I-Its gone...finally...I'm free from her...from...her..." Connor mutters. Connor tears up more as he laugh as if he was a maniac. He got off the bed and run to the bathroom, locking the door and took off his shirt, revealing his scarred chest and stomach.

Connor: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now