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The next day, after class Connor yawn as he walked through the school and to class when he notice Yang walking out of a room, looking disgusted. Connor walk to her right as someone exit the room and wrap a arm around her neck and yanked her inside. Connor run to them as they just enter the room and before the guy could lock the door, Connor kick it open, hitting him and he fells forwards as he dropped Yang. Connor then run to him and throw a punch and he fell to the ground as he hold his cheek in pain. "Get your fucking hands off her!" Yelled Connor.

The boy got off the ground and clench a fist. "You son of a...why are you stopping me from being with my girlfriend?!" Asked the boy. Connor looks at him and then Yang. "So that's the scumbag boyfriend, huh?" Said Connor. She looked away, nodding. Connor turn to him but then to the side, seeing panties and a used condom. "Yang...what did he do..." Connor muttered. Connor turn to her and she said nothing, looking very sad and scared. "Yang...did he use that on you..." Connor muttered. She said nothing again, just nod as a tear went down her face. Connor look at her in shock before turning to the guy in rage. "You. Son. Of. A bitch!" Yelled Connor. Connor runs to him, throwing a punch and he fell back slightly before Connor grabs the collar of his shirt and throw him out the door and then run after him. Right when Connor got to him again, Connor punch him in the gut, hard, making sure he doesn't get a chance to run or anything and Connor throw him to the lockers again, making him bang into it. "You motherfucker!" Yelled the boy. Connor run to him and throw a punch again before grabbing his head and slam it into a locker many times, making it dent and his forehead and nose break and making the locker stain with blood. Connor then punch him again and throw him towards the windows and before he moved, Connor punch him in the face again and the force smashed the glass behind his head and before he did anything else, Connor grab him yet again and kept going, smashing his head into the windows and didn't stop till his head was covered in blood and he was in and out of consciousness.

Connor throw him to the ground and went on top of him, punching him, over and over again, not stopping until he wasn't even breathing. Connor pant, his blood dripping from his body and hands. Connor looks at him as he was not moving, breathing and possibly dead. Connor look down before turning to Yang, who was scared. "Yang...its ok...he won't hurt you anymore." Said Connor. She looked at Connor as he approached her. Connor expected her to run off or something but instead, she hugged Connor before he even got the chance to open his arms. "Thank you...thank you..." Yang muttered. Connor looks at her before hugging her back. Suddenly, there was a scream. They turn to see a girl and others running behind her, Ozpin included.

"Connor...what did you--" Ozpin was cut offf. "Nows not the time...Yang needs me right now so I'll answer whatever question you want later." Said Connor. Connor hugs Yang a bit tighter but made sure to not hurt her. "Come on...lets get you to your dorm." Said Connor. Connor turn to Ozpin. "I'll tell you what happened after helping Yang and clean myself up." Said Connor. Ozpin looked at Connor before nodding and Connor walked towards the dorms with Yang still hugging him.

Connor and Yang got into the dorm and walked into the living room before stopping. "I'm gonna borrow your shower..." Said Connor. She said nothing. Connor went to go to the bathroom but Yang didn't let go. "Yang?" Connor muttered. "Don't...don't leave me...please." Said Yang. Connor looks at her before turning to her and lift her head. "You wanna join me or..." Connor muttered. Yang nods, not wanting to leave Connor but Connor can tell she wanted to get clean too since only god knows what happened before Connor came across them.

As Connor and Yang got to the bathroom, Connor notice her blushing. "We don't have to go together...I can wait till later if you--" Connor was cut off by Yang looking up at him as she spoke. "Just...don't stare...ok?" Asked Yang. Connor nods and she lets Connor go but made sure he was a arm reach. Connor and Yang strip and the moment Connor turn to her, he saw that she was bruised and looked like she had something white on her. Connor looks at her body before looking away, remembering that he said he wouldn't stare. Connor went into the shower and as Connor washed off the blood, Yang cleaned herself too when suddenly, Connor notice Yang was staring at him, not as if she's looking at his naked body but instead...his scars.

Connor: Part 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora