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They arrive at the train station, not risking taking any cars in case someone tried to get them there and on foot was long but that way, Connor could watch his surroundings and make sure their safe before they got the tickets for the train since it is way to far to walk to the city and once on, they relax and Connor kept his guard up, making sure to watch over the woman and the baby during the trip and make sure he was nearby if she needed to go somewhere privet that way he'd hear her call for help. Once they got to the tower, they walked towards the entrance. They were about to go in when someone stopped them. "May we help you?" Asked a guard. "We brought the peace offering...we wish to see the leader." Said Connor. One of them went to grab the baby.

"We'll take it from here, you all leave." Said the guard. Before he did, Connor took out a knife and stab his hand, making him yell in pain while falling back. "Your gonna bring us to the owner of this tower or else you die and we go in by force." Said Connor. He growls, taking out a gun but before he fires, Connor stabs his arm, making him drop it but Connor caught it mid-air before firing a shot into his head before shooting the other one. Connor looks at them before turning to the others. "Come on and stay on guard...there's bound to be more...also protect the woman and baby." Said Connor. They nod and they walked inside, up to the very top which Connor figured to be where the person is. they got to the door and Connor put his weapons away before opening the door, revealing the man. "Who are you?" Asked the man.

"We brought the peace offering." Said Connor He turns to them. "My men were suppose to bring him here." Said the man. "How could they do that when dead?" Asked Connor. He jolts, looking at them. "Look, I don't mean you harm unless you make me...we came here to talk...I want you to leave their people alone and let the woman have her baby." Said Connor. He growls before getting up and walked to them. "Why would I do that? I mean this is my place...this is where I role and I won't let you just come in, kill my men and try and tell me what to do." Said the man. Just then he snapped his fingers and several people came out of nowhere and grabbed everyone, Connor included and snatch the baby.

"No!" Yelled the woman. The man who had the baby walked to the owner and gave the baby to him. "For your actions, I am gonna do what I was gonna do with my offering and do the same with the town." Said the man. Just then, he opened a cabinet and Connor saw that it was some sort of oven like thing with several skeletons of...children...no...babies. Everyone looks in horror or anger at the sight of the dead babies in the oven, some of them cried, others vomit, while Connor was just mad. "No...don't you--" Connor muttered. "My baby!!!!" Yelled the woman. He throws the baby in there and Connor looks in anger as he close it and it locked the moment it was shut.

"You just...threw him in...the oven." Connor muttered, anger rising in him and the virus began to grow. "Yes, I did." Said the man. "Why...why..." Connor muttered. He smirked. "I enjoy the screams of the children as they burn to death!" Said the man. Just then, the baby was heard to be crying and screaming in pain. Connor felt more and more anger to the point that he snapped and spite being held back, Connor broke free, using the claws to cut the men's throats and run to the man plus the oven. Connor hits the man, making him fall back as he pry the door open, breaking the lock and took the baby out, spite his hands burning to the point where his skin even began to melt due to the thing being so small that his arms touch the walls while grabbing the baby.

The baby cried in Connor's arms but Connor could tell he was cooling down due to him not being in their for too long and was cooling down. Connor turns to the man in rage as he got up, licking his front teeth, which had a missing tooth from the hit. "How dare you, this means war!" Yelled the man. Connor puts the baby down on the couch nearby and grab the man. "No...there won't." Said Connor. Connor shoves the man's head into the oven, making his arms burn more, but he didn't care. The man screams as he burns to death, Connor using his strength to keep him inside. The men lets go of everyone else and tried to stop Connor, but Zero the others spite a few of the girls and the woman began beating them.

Connor: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now