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After Chi talked to the principal, he was let back into the school and began spending time with Chi while at the school. A few days later, when Connor was going to meet Chi at the front gate, he saw a boy in glasses against the door of the classroom. "Hey...are you ok?" Asked Connor. Connor knees to his side and saw that he had a small bruise on his cheek. The boy looks up at him "Yeah...I'm ok." Said the boy. "Well...I believe school's over for today, so you can go home." Said Connor. He shook his head. "I have to stay here." Said the boy. "Why?" Asked Connor. "Because I need to give someone something...and they will hurt me if I don't do what they say." Said the boy. Connor opens his eyes wide at that. Suddenly he heard a voice from behind them. "Who's this loser?" Ask a boy. Connor turned around to see two boy's holding what looked to be scissors.

"Get lost." Said one of the bullies. He gets up and turn to them. "Hey...why are you hurting him? he did nothing to you." Said Connor. They point the scissors at Connor with evil smiles "Why does it bother you? What? Are you his boyfriend or something?" Asked one of the bullies. "I'm not...but that doesn't mean I wont help." Said Connor. "Why? It's not your business." Said one of the bullies. "I don't care...I want to help anyone who needs it." Said Connor. Connor turns to the boy and smile. "Come on." Said Connor. He looked up at him before getting up and nodded. "Your going nowhere." Said one of the bullies.

"Yeah we are." Said Connor. "What makes you think that?" Asked one of the bullies. "Cause the principal is behind you." Said Connor. They jolt, turning to see if the principal was there to see no one. By the time they turn around, Connor and the boy with glasses, had already escaped. Getting to the exit of the school and a good distance away from the bullies, Connor ans the boy stopped running. "By the way, I'm Connor...what's your name?" Asked Connor. "Zero." Said Zero. "Nice to meet you Zero." Said Connor. "You too Connor." Said Zero.

2 months past since Connor started his new school and met Chi and Zero, who actually started dating. Anyway, Connor was currently sitting at his desk, when he enters the classroom. Turning, Connor saw someone who was on the cheerleading team. Looking, Connor saw it was Yukihime, the leader and also known to the the schools council president. Yukihime walked to a boy as she took something from her pocket.

"You sent me this, saying you like me, so I came to give you my answer...I'm sorry but I'm not interested." Said Yukihime. Just then, the boy who she was talking to got up, angry and throwing a punch, making Yukihime flinch as she realise she was about to be hit. Just then, a arm appeared and blocked the blow. Turning, Yukihime saw Connor, looking angry. 

The boy looked mad, before noticing Connor's eyes looking dull. The boy stepped back, walking out of the room. Connor sighed before walking off, leaving Yukihime slightly stunned. For as long as she could remember, she remembered that when people protected her, it was for her or for her looks, but Connor protected her not cause of that, but cause be doesn't think it's right to hit a female and seeing as this was the first time, she saw someone do this, she had no idea what to do.

As Connor and Chi walk to school the next day, Connor notice her shake a bit, guessing she was cold. Connor took off his jacket and put it on her. "Here." Said Connor. "You sure? Aren't you gonna get cold?" Asked Chi. "I'll be ok." Said Connor. "You sure?" Asked Chi. "Yeah...keep warm, I'll take it back later." Said Connor. "If your sure." Said Chi. Connor nods as they continue walking to school. Once in the classroom, Connor walk towards his desk when he notice something on it. Connor picks it up and saw that it was a pink envelope with a heart sticker, keeping it closed.

"What the..." Connor muttered. Connor grab opens it as he sits down, looking through the note. <Meet me at the cafeteria at lunch.> the note reads. Connor was confused before just shrugging it off and put the note away before going through class. It eventually got to lunch and Connor just remembered the letter, saying someone wanted to meet him at the school lounge.

Connor: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now