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The next day, Connor and big bro were currently walking through the street when Connor saw big bro look, yet again sad. "Ok, talk." Said Connor. Big bro turns to Connor, confused. "Your eyes tell me your upset." Said Connor. "Don't worry about it." Said big bro. "Ah come on, let me help a bro out." Said Connor. "It's nothing." Said big bro. "Really?" Asked Connor. He nods.

"Look, your face and voice obviously sound sad." Said Connor. Big bro growls, turning to him. "I said it's nothing! Take that through your head and leave me alone!" Yelled Big bro. Connor looks at big bro. "Big bro, please tell me...I'm your friend...I want to help you." Said Connor. He looked away. "Look...Big bro, I'll do what I can to help you if you let me...you may be a kind person who helps but there are times where you need help too...and if you let me, I can be the one who can help you...even if I can't it's better to get it off your chest, that way you feel better about it." Said Connor. He took a moment before sighing and looked away before turning back to Connor.

"Ok, ok, I'll tell you...come on, let's get some food." Said big bro. Connor smiles before nodding and they walked to a burger place that the food wasn't that good but still eatable and have great fries and drinks. Once inside, they sit and the waiter took their orders, which were fries and drinks. Once they order and she walked away, they turn to each other. "Ok, so what's up." Asked Connor. He took a moment before sighing and spoke.

"Have you been in love with someone?" Asked Big bro. Connor was silent for a moment before nodding. "Yeah." Said Connor. He took a breath. "Well...even though I'm surrounded by girls all the time, I only fell in love with one girl...when I asked, them out, they rejected me, saying they have a crush on someone else." Said big bro. "Oh...I'm sorry man." Said Connor. Big bro said nothing. "Hey, don't be down...look, just cause one girl rejected you, doesn't mean anything...it just means she isn't for you...true love is when they are with you till the day you die...if someone breaks up with you or doesn't feel the same means they're not the one for you." Said Connor.

Big bro looked down still. "Look, I promise you, you will find someone who is right for you and if it one day ends bad then that means they aren't the right person for you." Said Connor. Big bro smiles before looking at Connor. "Your right...thank you Connor." Said Big bro. Connor smiles. "Big bro, you're my friend so I'd do anything to help you...if you got a problem then I'll do what I can to help you or just listen." Said Connor. He smiles right as their food came. Once the waiter puts the food onto the table and left, they eat as they talk about different things like what they were planning to do tonight and all that.

As the two eat and talk, Big bro looked up at Connor. "Um...Connor?" Asked Big bro. Connor looks up at him, cheeks filled with fries. "Yeah?" Asked Connor, his face full of food. "I wanted to ask...no matter what happens...would we be friends?" Asked Big bro. Connor smiles. "Yes, of course." Said Connor, his cheeks full of food. "Promise?" Asked Big bro. He lift a hand, raising a pinkie. Connor wipe the grease from his hand and locked his finger with big bro. "Promise" Said Connor, swallowing his food. They unhooked their fingers and share a smile as Connor grab a handful of big bros fries and shove them into his mouth as big bro notices.

"Hey! Those are mine!" Yelled Big bro with a chuckle as he pulled his tray back from Connor. "Does it have you're name on it?" Asked Connor, his mouth again full and big bro chuckles again, which Connor did too. Once they finished their food and drink, Connor paid for some extra fries for big bro since Connor took some of his and they left, going their separate ways. As Connor walk, he notices his phone go off. look to see a message from Megumi.

"Hey, can I talk to you? It's important, please meet me by the park" Megumi texted. Connor sighs before heading over, texting back, saying yes and that hes on his way. Connor got to the park and walk through it till he notice Megumi by a bench, looking sad, Connor walks to her. "Hey! Megumi!" Yelled Connor. She turns to Connor with a smile. "Hey..." Megumi muttered. Connor sits next to her. "So...what did you want to talk about?" Asked Connor. She took a moment before answering.

Connor: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now