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As Connor walked through the hallway, Connor felt this presents, saying someone is behind him. Connor turn to see someone hiding behind a corner. Connor smirks before sneaking towards them before they could peek around the corner. Connor saw it was Utai, looking nervous. "You alright?" Asked Connor. She jolts, turning to Connor. "U-Um...I..." Said Utai. Connor smiles, walking beside her and sit next to her. "Are you ok Utai? You seem distracted...is something wrong?" Asked Connor. She looked at Connor and then her knees. "I just...wanted to talk to you..." Said Utai.

Connor smiles. "Of course." Said Connor. She looked at Connor before scooting a bit closer and rest her body against him. "So...how have you been?" Asked Utai. "I've been fine...you?" Asked Connor. "Me too...I had fun talking to everyone..." Said Utai. She turns to Connor before stopping, looking sad, seeing his scar on his face from when he protected her. "Utai...its not your fault." Said Connor. She jolts with surprise. "H-How--" Utai was cut off. "The look in your eyes...you had that same look every time you looked at the scar I got protecting you...it's not your fault." Said Connor. Utai then looked down again. "But it is my fault...I wasn't strong enough...I wasn't propared...I--" Connor turns to her and hold her small body to him, hugging her. "Utai, your a kid...not every kid is strong...but you are...you saw things someone your age shouldn't've but your still smiling that beautiful smile of yours...that's what makes you strong...its ok if your not physically strong cause there's nothing wrong with it...its the hard work you do that makes you physically strong and even then, it doesn't have to be perfect...besides, I think its better this way." Said Connor.

Connor looks down at her and she looked up at him. "Both you and Niko should live a full childhood...so please don't do anything dangerous...cause you two deserve to be kids...deserve to be with friends and family and live full, happy lives." Said Connor. Utai looked at Connor, red face and tears going down her face. "I..." Utai muttered. She sniffed before closing her eyes and put her head onto Connor's chest. "But...what if you need help?" Asked Utai. "Utai...my life does not matter...yours and our friends and family do...so I will always be there for you, even if it kills me..." Said Connor. Connor kiss her head as she clench onto Connor's shirt. "But...your life matters to me and our friends...your lovers and family...all of us." Said Utai.

"But not to me." Said Connor. She looked up at Connor, putting her hand on his cheek. "Never say that again...please." Said Utai. Connor looks at her and smile. "Ok, ok...I won't say it again..." Said Connor. But it doesn't change the fact that Connor don't think it matters...didn't think he matters. Connor's footsteps echoed as he walked through the street to Utai's mums house, with her in his arms. Due to Utai falling asleep in his arms, Connor couldn't leave her at the school since it was sunset and it might be too dangerous for her to walk home. Connor got to her mum's houses street when Utai woke up and looked up at him. "Connor..." Utai muttered. Connor looks down at her and smile. "Hey sweetheart, I didn't think you would wake up yet." Said Connor.

"Where are we?" Asked Utai. "We're walking to your house...I thought it be better then to let you walk there yourself when it was late at night." Said Connor. "But what about you? I mean...your strong but I don't want you to be out at night..." Said Utai. Connor smiles. "Utai, it's ok, I'll be fine." Said Connor. She suddenly grabbed Connor's collar and made Connor turn to her. "Connor..." Said Utai, her face all pouty he would usually get when the girls or mainly the kids want Connor to do as they say. "Fine, fine you win...I ask your mum for a ride home or something..." Said Connor with a sigh. "A-Actually...m-maybe you can...stay the night?" Asked Utai.

Connor looks a her. "Aren't I gonna be in the way?" Asked Connor. "You won't...please?" Asked Utai. Connor smiles before sighing "Alright, alright." Said Connor. Connor smiles before looking up to see they had arrived at her mums house. "We're here princess." Said Connor. She gave Connor a small slap on the face for that comment. "Shut up!" Said Utai. Connor smile before approached the door and put Utai down before Connor knocks on it. After a bit moment, the door opened to reveal Utai's mum. "Hey...I brought Utai home." Said Connor. Connor wents to walk away when Utai grabbed him.

Connor: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now