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After they dropped off Yuzu, Connor and Sumire begin walking to Sumire's house. As they walk, Connor notice Sumire was watching him. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." Said Connor. She jolts out of surprise before looking away. "Shut up...Connor." Said Sumire. Connor turns to her. "Yeah?" Asked Connor. "I...I wanted to thank you for helping us...we owe you." Said Sumire. "Don't worry about it...I care for you two...as long as your ok, I'll take anything they throw at me." Said Connor. She blushed, before looking down. "You ok?" Asked Connor. She took a moment before she turns to Connor. "I now see why Yuzu talks about you so much..." Said Sumire. She stopped walking and so did Connor, making Connor turn to her. Once Connor was facing her, she looked at Connor for a moment before walking to him and put her hands on his cheeks before she moved his head down and Connor felt her kiss his forehead.

Connor blushs. She stopped and looked at Connor. "As a thank you." Said Sumire. She runs off. "See you tomorrow!" Said Sumire. She runs down the street, leaving Connor. Connor shook his head and turn to the direction of his school so he could go to his dorm. The next day, as Connor walked towards a clothing store, he notice someone on the ground, dresses on their head. Connor run to them and took some of the clothes that was on their head off so Connor could see them. "Hey, Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Asked Connor. The person looked up at Connor and Connor saw that it was a pink haired girl with green eyes. "Umm...yes...thank you." Said the girl. Connor helps her up, making what's left of the clothes on her to fall and they pick them up. "Where are you heading with these?" Asked Connor. "I was heading to the clothing store over there." Said the girl, pointing to a store, which so happened to be the store Connor was going to.

"Oh really...I was heading there too...want me to help you?" Asked Connor. She nods and they walk to the store. "So, why are you heading there with these clothes?" Asked Connor. "Oh, well I like to make dresses and stuff...when I make them, I hand them to clothing stores and they give them to people who like them." Said the girl. "Ok...well these are well done." Said Connor. She went red, looking away. "T-Thank you..." Said the girl. Connor smiles. "No problem...oh, also, I'm Connor...what's your name?" Asked Connor. She turns to Connor with a small red face. "Y-Yuri..." Said Yuri. "Nice to meet you Yuri...we're here, hold on, I'll get the door." Said Connor. Connor opens the door and hold it open for her. "Ladies first." Said Connor. She went redder, thanking Connor before walking inside. Connor walked inside, giving the dresses to the people and went to get what he came for.

"Oh yes, your here for a pick up, yes?" Asked the woman. Connor nods. She then walked to a room where she came back with two dresses. "Their such beautiful dresses...are they your lovers?" Asked the woman. Connor jolts with a blush before nodding. The woman giggles before turning away. Connor went to leave when someone grabbed his sleeve. Connor turns to see Yuri. "Oh, hey...how can I help you?" Asked Connor. "I um...I wanted to go through some clothes and wanted to ask if you could see how they look." Said Yuri. Connor looks at her, confused. "Why me? Why not your friends or boyfriend?" Asked Connor. "Cause their busy and I'm single...please?" Asked Yuri. As Connor looks into her eyes, she gave him the puppy dog eyes but not just that, but had a pout, as if she was begging me but not in a way like someone asking, more like...actual begging.

Out of instincts, Connor looks around, wanting to see if there's someone nearby. Seeing no one suspicious or anything, Connor still couldn't help himself but want to help, so he sighs before speaking. "Ok, Ok...go change, I'll wait here." Said Connor. She smiled before running to the closest changing room. Connor smiles and wait. After a minute, she got out, revealing her first clothing she wanted to try. "Wow..." Connor muttered. She was wearing a light pink dress with red and white roses all over it. "Well? What do you think?" Asked Yuri. Connor stood there for a moment. "U-Uh...sorry I'm just speechless...your beautiful." Said Connor. She blushed. "U-Um...thank you." Said Yuri. Yuri then walked back inside and tried her next dress.

Connor: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now