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About two weeks past and Connor and his friends were in the resort, wanting to have a nice, long, well earned break. Anyway, Connor is seen outside with everyone, talking while Jisuk and Travis cooked the burgers and hotdogs. As they talk and eat, Connor couldn't help but notice feel like their being watched. Connor glance over to the side to see no one, but couldn't help but want to look. Connor was gonna, but stopped, realising it had to be his imagination and wanted to relax. After a bit, it was night and they decided to call it a night and went inside. As Connor walked to his room, he notice someone approaching him. Turning, Connor saw Aphmau, who was smiling. "Hey Connor! I wanted to talk to you about something...you got a moment?" Asked Aphmau.

"Sure." Said Connor. The two then walked to Connor's room and enter, walking to the bed and sit down. "So what's up?" Asked Connor. "I couldn't help but notice how you seemed...on edge...are you ok? And tell the truth." Said Aphmau, giving Connor a face saying she wants the truth. Connor couldn't help but smile before speaking. "Yes...I just felt like I was being watched." Said Connor. "Really? Did you see who it was?" Asked Aphmau. "No, I couldn't see anyone...I guessed it was my imagination, but because of what's being going on, I can't help but feel...paranoid." Said Connor.

Aphmau looked at Connor with a serious, worried face, knowing he's going back to before the trip. Without thinking, Aphmau practically jumped on top of Connor, making him fall on his back, looking up at Aphmau. "Don't think of that Connor...your ok...your safe and with us...please don't worry." Said Aphmau. Connor looked at is her before smiling. "Your right...thank you." Said Connor. Aphmau smiles. "No problem." Said Aphmau. Connor then smirked. "So, now that you are on top of me...expecting a kiss~?" Asked Connor. Aphmau blushes as she looked at cononr before looking away.

"Maybe...I do?" Aphmau muttered. Connor blushes himself, hearing her. "Well...what's stopping you?" Asked Connor. Aphmau looked at Connor before lowering herself to him, getting close to his lips. They got closer and closer, to only stop when hearing the door slam open, revealing Lira and Jiyoung. "Oh no you don't...I've been lonely all day and let Jiyoung have her fun before and I don't care what I have to do, even sharing, I'm getting love right now!" Yelled Lira, rushing to the bed. She jumped into the bed and kiss Connor, making him blush and Jiyoung and Aphmau pout. Lira kiss Connor for a bit before stopping, smirking as she turn to the girls. "Oh come on, I'm not stealing him for myself~ your welcome to join~." Said Lira. Aphmau and Jiyoung look at each other before smirking and turn to Connor, Lira doing the same. "Oh...three women want to try and dominate me huh...fine...I accept the challenge." Said Connor, earning a smile from the girls as they undress, accepting the challenge themselves.

The next day, Connor awoke feeling refreshed and such, turning his head to see the three, naked, sleeping girls around him. Connor looked at them before smiling. Connor then got up, waking his way to the door, exiting the room and walked to the bathroom. When getting there, he heard sobbing. Connor tilt his head when hearing it and walked to the door, giving it a gentle knock. "Hey, you ok in there?" Asked Connor. There was a moment before the door opened, revealing Subin. "I'm fine..." Said Subin. "The crying I heard says otherwise...come on you can talk to me...what's wrong?" Asked Connor. Subin stayed silent for a moment before sighing and open the door more, before speaking. "I...have a secret that I'm...scared what my family would think of me." Said Subin. "Why?" Asked Connor. Subin stayed silent for a moment before speaking. "My...family is homophobic..." Subin muttered.

Connor was confused to why it was a problem, when he realise. "Oh...I see." Said Connor. Subin then makes a small laugh. "You probably think I'm a freak now or something...don't you?" Asked Subin. "Why would I? I mean I'm bisexual, so what part of this would make me think your a freak?" Asked Connor. Subin looked at Connor, shocked. "Your...bisexual?" Asked Subin. "Yep, I even dated two guys before I met you and Jisuk and the others after the separation...their reason not here is the same why the rest of our friends aren't here right now..." Said Connor, giving Subin and idea on what he means. "I'm...so sorry that happened..." Subin muttered. "Don't worry about it...anyway, there's nothing wrong with being gay, lesbian or anything else...it just makes you, who you are...you don't need to do or be like your parents or others, be yourself...if you like girls, date girls...if people think it's wrong, fuck them, because there's nothing wrong with it, it's them who's wrong." Said Connor.

Connor: Part 1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ