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A few days later, Connor is seen with a duffel bag with his clothes, plus a necklace with lockets on it, each one with a photo of everyone Connor lost. Due to what happened, Connor learned that big bro made businesses all over the world, so, to make sure big bro can continue and to also find him, Connor decided to travel, hunting big bro and any other business he has. Walking down the street near the woods, Connor looks at his new phone, using it to look at the mainframe since his old one was destroyed in the acid. You see, the phone itself isn't special, it's just got access to the account that has the money of each of Connor's kills and the mainframe, but just like any other bank account and such, you just need a password or access, meaning the phone itself isn't the only thing holding it, it just had access to the account and mainframe, but since Connor lost the phone, he can use the new one or any other device to hack or access the account and mainframe.

Anyway, Connor was looking at the mainframe to see if big bro is back yet and is planning to make a new business. You see, Connor was able to hack into the accounts of big bros, making him able to know if be has businesses or new members, but for some reason can't find his original home or base, just the business he owns or the members of his gang. Seeing as big bro had nothing new just yet, Connor puts his phone away before sighing, looking up to see that it was almost dark. Continuing to walk, Connor got to a entrance to a hiking trail. Seeing it, Connor looked at the sky and then the trail before walking through it, thinking it could lead Connor somewhere he can sleep.

The next day, Walking through the trail, Connor got to a hill that at the bottom had a lake and a small cave. Walking to it, Connor sits inside, looking down before taking his phone out and watches some videos. After a while, he decided to fall asleep. Connor is seen walking through the woods, eventually finding the road again, but not only that, but Connor also found a gas station. Arriving at the gas station, Connor walked to the door to enter and get some food, when something caught his eye. Turning his head, Connor saw a family eating by a table, one of which wasn't but looked hungry. Connor turns to enter the gas station, when he saw one of the people hit the boy. 

"I told you, your grounded! You can't eat!" Said the man. Seeing this, Connor approach them family. "Oi dickhead." Said Connor. They turn to Connor. "I don't know what this kid did to make you ground him, but starving him? He's your fucking son, you abusive fuck." Said Connor. The man stood from the table, looking at Connor. "What the fuck did you call me, you little shit?" Asked the man. "I called you a abusive fuck." Said Connor. The man growls before swinging a fist, hitting Connor. Due to Connor being technically reborn from a cell of his blood, he isn't as strong as he use to, meaning he'd need to train to get stronger...but there's a chance he doesn't need to. Connor looks at the man with a serious, glare. "I mean it...your being abusive to him." Said Connor. The man growls, about to do it again, but Connor was faster. Connor gives the man a hard kick to the crotch, making him yell in pain as he fell to a knee, before Connor gripped the man's hair tightly and began beating him, punching all the pressure points in his face and nose, making him hurt more as the woman screams for Connor to stop.

Finally stopping, Connor lets go of the man, who was now unconscious. Connor then turns to the rest of the family. The woman was seen holding her daughter, not even attempting to protect her son, making Connor believe she's the same. Connor looks at her and then the boy, making him flinch. Connor's serious, angry face turns to a warm, gentle smile as he spoke. "Hey, some with me...I'll get you some food buddy." Said Connor. The boy was hesitant, before the mother spoke. "Just go! Make yourself useful so me and your sister doesn't get beaten next!" Yelled the woman. "Oi, don't think that just cause I want to help the boy doesn't mean I won't beat you next...the girl no, but you? Your just as bad as this prick for abusing your son...now come on kid, I'll get you some food." Said Connor. The boy was hesitant, but nods, walking to Connor and Connor offers his hand to hold. The boy held it and the two walked to the gas station, leaving the family behind. Entering the gas station, Connor and the boy grabs some food. Connor grabs himself some food for a few days at most, since he wants to eat so he doesn't feel hungry and also got something to eat now since he didn't eat last night and also got the boy some food. The two pay for the food as Connor notice the woman was activity nervous. Connor looks at her and the window to see that she had a clear view of the fight.

Connor: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now