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Out of instinct, Connor runs to her. "Akaya! Are you alright?!" Asked Connor. She looks up at Connor and tried to smile. "Y-Yes...just hurt my arm." Said Akaya. "Here, let me look." Said Connor. "N-No...it's ok." Said Akaya. "No, if your hurt I want to see if your ok." Said Connor. "No I'm--" Akaya was cut off. "Akaya...you have taken care of me ever since we met...I want to take care of you...so show me." Said Connor, cutting her off. Akaya looked at Connor before sighing and took her arm out of her sweater, revealing it. Connor saw a large bruise that looked as if she was hit with something. "What happened?" Asked Connor.

Akaya remains silent for a moment before she was about to speak but Connor stops her. "Akaya, don't open your mouth unless it's the truth." Said Connor. She took a moment before sighing again. "I got it yesterday...when I was walking home, someone I know from years ago came and wanted to talk so we were talking but then he tried to get me to go out with him and when I said no..." Akaya muttered as she looked at her arm. Hearing that and saw the bruise, Connor could tell what she meant. "So I...I was forced to say yes...we're going out tonight." Said Akaya. Connor looks at her and took a breath before smiling. "How about this...we go and I have a chat with him...I'll make sure he doesn't come near you again." Said Connor. Akaya smiles before hugging Connor. "Thank you." Said Akaya. Connor smiles, hugging back. "No problem...now rest, I'll take care of this and dinner for everyone." Said Connor. Akaya nods and smiles, walked to the chairs, relaxing and Connor cleaned the broken plate before finishing dinner.

As Connor and Akaya walked to where the date was, Connor held her hand. "Are you alright?" Asked Connor. Akaya nods. "Yes...thank you for everything Connor." Said Akaya. "Your my girlfriend Akaya...you and the others plus our friend and kids are my main priority when it comes to protecting you and make you happy...that's why I'll always do this." Said Connor. She smiles. "I love you." Said Akaya. "I love you too." Said Connor. They share a kiss as they arrived at the place and enter. Once inside, Akaya looked around before clenching Connor's hand a little tighter as she also held his arm. Connor turns to her to see she was looking at someone. Connor turns to the person to see a man who looked to to about 20 to 30, a scar on his eyebrow and looked like a total asshole.

He turns to Connor and Akaya and looked pissed as he got up and walked to them. Connor got in front of Akaya and he stopped in front of Connor. "Who the hell are you?! Why are you with my girlfriend?!" Yelled the man. "She isn't your girlfriend...she's mine...so back the fuck off before I fucking break your nose." Said Connor. He growls, throwing a punch but Connor catch it, shoving him back. Everyone turns to them. "You wanna fight...lets take it outside." Said Connor. "Fine!" Said the man. He runs outside and Connor turns to the people, plus the owner. "Sorry everyone, didn't mean to disturb your dinner and sorry for the trouble." Said Connor. Connor turns and walked outside with Akaya, walking to a alleyway to see him ready to fight.

"I'm gonna kick your fat fucking teeth in!" Yelled the man. "Come at me then." Said Connor. He runs to Connor and Connor does the same. He throws a punch but Connor dodged before swinging one but he dodge too and swung a kick, hitting Connor's chest but didn't affect him and Connor throw a punch to his face and he went flying back but stayed on his feet. Connor runs to him and throw another one, making him fall to the ground before Connors run to him again and swung a kick, making him fall back and began bleeding from his head, due to a slit coming from his forehead. "Listen and listen well asshole, if you fucking, ever hurt her again, come near her again or anything, I'll fucking hunt you down, break every bone in your body...and fucking kill you." Said Connor. He looked at Connor, angry but also scared. "Don't fucking come near my girlfriend again." Said Connor. Connor walked off, holding Akaya's hand, her beautiful smile looming from her lips due to the happiness she had for Connor protecting her and calling her his girlfriend.

The next day, Connor yawns as he walked through the hallway of the school, when suddnely, he saw Ozpin looking around but stopped when he saw Connor. "Connor, good timing, I need to talk to you." Said Ozpin. Connor sighs and nods. "Fine, lets go." Said Connor. He nods and walked with Connor to his office. Connor walks inside and was about to ask what he wanted, when suddenly, something hits Connor in the head and everything went black.

Connor: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now