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The girl aims the gun at Connor, firing a shot and as Connor expected, it was aimed at his head. Connor lowered his head and body enough, which made him dodge the shot, only getting a slight cut from the side of his head from the bullet before he was able to get on his feet before she fired another shot and went on top of her, pinning her down. "Why?! Why do this?! What did I do to you?!" Asked Connor. "Cause you killed the whole green legion, the blue leader of the blue legion and the purple legion!" Yelled the white legion leader. "I killed them because, the green legion was hurting a female who was use to be one of their own, I killed the blue legion leader cause he hurt two of my friends and enslaved people! And the purple legion leader...she was my friend! She was there for me! Your the one that made her fight me cause she didn't want to! And not just that, but she even killed herself! I didn't kill her, she killed herself! So if anything its your, and their own fault!" Yelled Connor.

The girl looks up at Connor, growling as she bends her wrist enough to make the gun aim at him and she pulled a shot, barely missing his ear, making it briefly bleed as Connor let go of her and hold his ear, not from pain but from the sudden shock and unexpected, loud sound. Connor fell of her as she went to pin Connor down, accidently touching his crotch instead. She blushed, pulling her arm back, holding the gun to Connor's head still, making sure he didn't move but then, she smirks. "Wow, your quite big...you know, you did rape a woman so...might as well make it even~." Said the white legion leader. Connor growls, clenching his fist and went to punch her when she suddenly pulled the trigger, hitting his shoulder, but not just that, but in a area that dislocate it, making it flop down. Connor screamed as the girl smirked, getting up and walked over to a box while Connor tried to get up but couldn't, since all the reopened wounds were now open and had dirt and stuff in it, making it starting to be infected while his new ones also interfere and not to mention the now floppy arm due to the bullet dislocating his shoulder.

She walked back to Connor with a smirk before taking the handcuffs and use one on Connor's good arm and dragged him from it. She got Connor to a wall with a pipe connected to it and handcuff Connor to it. She gets up, smirking and began to undress.

During the next few minutes, Connor was forced sit there and let the girl do what she wants, also having to do what she said the whole time with no say in the matter, the gun to his head being a obvious reason. Once she finished, she got off Connor as she turns around. "You know, I think I'll keep you...you'll remain here till I want more pleasure." Said the girl. Connor looks down, his eyes dull, but then a thought came to his mind...Izeki. Connor remembered how Izeki went after him cause of that girl and is dead cause of her. The anger rises inside Connor to the point, he didn't feel anything anymore, didn't feel pain...didn't CARE about pain. With one good yank, Connor ripped the pipe off from the wall and got up, lunging at the girl as she began turning around after hearing the pipe fall. Before she could act, Connor swung the pipe to her head and made her fall to the ground dropping the gun and as Connor fell to the ground due to dizziness, he used the pipe to hit the gun and knocked it out of reach.

The girl screams in pain as she held her head, bleeding. Connor slowly got up, his anger and adrenaline making Connor capable of moving spite having enough reopened wounds or new wounds that should've kept him grounded and got on top of the girl, lifting the pipe over his head and swung down, bashing into her head, ignoring the pain and her screams and begs. Connor kept swinging the pipe till finally, she was dead, her head opened like a busted watermelon. Connor pants as he looked down at the dead girl, dropping the pipe as it slipped from the other cuff, hitting the floor, landing in the pool of blood around them. Connor pants as he looked down at her, before slowly getting up, walking out of the factory as his mind was in a trance, making him not be affected by the pain or even realise his pants were still down.

After walking for several minutes, Connor got to his house, without being seen by cars or people passing by. Once Connor enters, he notice someone walking to him. "Connor! What happened?!" Asked Rachael. Connor didn't answer, just hug her, falling to his knees, crying, which she went onto her knees as well and hug back. "Shh, Shh, its ok, its ok...your safe." Said Rachael. Connor cry in her arms before passing out. The next day, beeping echoed Connor's ears as he slowly opened his eyes. Connor looks up at the roof, realising he was in the hospital. Connor got up, sighing and looked around to see Ruby in the bed across from his. Connor got off his bed and run to her, holding her hand. "Ruby! You ok?!" Asked Connor. She opens her eyes before looking in shock and happiness. "Connor!" Yelled Ruby as she shot up, hugging Connor. Connor hug her back when suddenly the door opened and everyone came in. "Dad/Daddy!!!" Yelled Andy and Sally. They run to Connor and hug him, which hurt a bit, but Connor ignores it as he hugs them back. "Hey kiddos...how are you going?" Asked Connor.

Connor: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now