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Eventually, they both cum, making Goodwitch scream with pleasure as she clenched onto him. "That was great..." Said Goodwitch. Connor smiles. "Let me know when you want me to do it again." Said Connor. She nods. "Also...while we're alone, can you...call me Glynda?" Asked Glynda. Connor looks at her and smile. "Of course Glynda...we should get to bed." Said Connor. "Yeah but first I gotta shower." Said Glynda. She got up, walking to her bathroom as she swung her hips, making her ass go side to side and Connor smirks, following her.

The next day, as Connor walked through the school, he felt the familiar, being followed sense as he walked. Just then, Connor turns to see Norn and Flare walking to him, smiling. "Connor! Nice to see you! This is my sister Norn!" Said Flare. Connor looks at them and force a smile. "Nice to meet you." Said Connor. Norn smiles sweetly. "So what have you been doing latly?" Asked Flare. "Nothing much...just didn't want to leave my house." Connor lied. Just then, Connor notice someone running to him. Connor turns to see it was Leo, accompanied by Ozuki. "Hey, what's wrong?" Asked Connor. "Connor, its--" Ozuki was cut off by Leo. "Connor, your family! I was given word that someone tricked your family into thinking you were in danger and they went to help you! Connor, its a trap!" Yelled Leo. "WHAT?! WHERE?! WHERE ARE THEY?!" Yelled Connor. Connor shouts making the girls jolt while Leo was unfazed and hand Connor a piece of paper. "The one who told me this got the address, here it is! And hurry, he's trying to help but he doesn't know how long he'll last!" Said Leo. Connor nods and snatch it from him, running out off the school.

Connor run until finally getting to the address and run to the door, not caring if there's people there to kill him. Connor runs to the door and slam into it, using his strength to make it smash inwards and it fell to the ground. "Everyone?! Are you--" Connor stops himself, seeing blood on the floor. Connor look down at his dead family, in a pool of their own blood. "No...no..." Connor muttered. Connor got weak and fell into his knees, feeling his heart pounding. Connor pant, holding his chest tightly, almost clawing at it. Connor pants and wheeze as he fall onto the ground completely, all of his memories finally coming back from the earliest he could remember to just a few days ago.

"I'll..." Connor mutters. A memory of when Connor held his brother as a baby came into view. "Find..." Connor mutters. A memory of when Connor held his cousins as babies appeared. "Who did this..." Connor mutters. A memory of Connor with the elder cousins came in his mind. "And...Fucking..." Connor muttered, his voice getting angry. The memories with his grandparents and loved ones appeared in his mind. Connor looks up as tears and the oose of the virus came from his eyes. "Tear. Their fucking. Guts. Out of their stomach!" Yelled Connor in a demonic voice. Suddenly, Connor heard someone approach me. Connor turns, taking out his knife and look in anger but then in sadness and fear when he saw...

"Big...bro?" Connor muttered. It was big bro. His face had a scar on his eye and had a look of someone pissed. "Oh...guess you came sooner then I thought you would." Said big bro. "You...did...this?" Asked Connor. He smirked. "Yeah, so what?" Asked Big bro. Connor felt anger rise in him as he growls. "Why!? Why do this?!" Yelled Connor. "Because you took everything from me...because of you, I lost my jobs and can't be hired, have people avoid me, my parents disowned me and I have nobody left in my damn life! So I made us even." Said Big bro. Connor looked at his former friend as he felt his anger rise and rise, his blood boil and the virus was getting harder and harder to control...until he snapped.

The oose drip from his face as Connor gets off his knees and lunge at him swinging his claws, which he dodge and took out a gun, firing a shot and it went through Connor's stomach before big bro pushed him back. "Gah!" Yelled Connor. Blood came from the wound and his mouth and Connor held it as it slowly began to heal. Big looked at him. "You were my friend...my best friend and you took the woman of my dreams, made everyone hate or neglect me and made me be disowned by my own folks...not just that but you made Megumi hate me." Said big bro. "I didn't do anything to make that happen! It's you, you dumbass! You are the one who rejected her and act as if nothing happened when she was hurt and wanted to be alone, your the one started the fight damaging your own image and everything else you claim to be my fault is all YOURS! Not MINE!" Yelled Connor. Connor run to him again, throwing a punch but big bro dodged and do the same, which Connor dodge too and run to big bro, about to stab him when he fired a shot to Connor's head, making the skin and flesh break but the bullet didn't go into the skull but the skin and flesh kept it from falling out and due to the impact causing Connor's brain to hit the inside of his skull, he fell unconscious.

Connor: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now