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Light chattering echoes as everyone waits for the next teacher to come and start the lesson. "You hear? There are five new hotties coming to the school!" Said Jaune. "I bet ya I can get laid with them a day after showing up." Said Issei. "Nah man, I doubt it." Said Jaune. "Ah, pigs...why do they always think about breasts and asses?" Asked a girl with white hair and a ponytail. "No clue..." Said the second girl with black hair and a bow tying her hair up. "What are they talking about?" Asked Ruby. "Nothing..." Said Yang. "I wonder if they know any hot guys." Said Yang. "I doubt you'll get someone." Said a girl. "What was that?!" Yelled Yang. "Nothing~." Said the girl with black hair with a giggle.

Connor got to class and sits down before waiting for the teacher, to only see the door open and reveal Ozpin with five girls, all of them looking familiar as if Connor saw them before. "Class, I would like to interduce you to some new classmates." Said Ozpin. The five then spoke. "I'm Ivy." Said the first. "I'm Susie." Said the second. "I'm Nago! Nice to meet you!" Said the third. "I'm Satomi." Said the fourth. "And I'm Yume." Said the fifth. Issei then spoke up. "Tell me, what are three hotties like yourselves doing here at the same time? You here for someone? Me maybe~?" Asked Issei. "No, not you but we are here for someone...he saved us from enslavement when we were kidnaped...Connor." Said Nago. They were shocked. "Me and Susie came to see Connor due to us being friends in the past." Said Ivy. They were shocked still, before someone spoke up. "There is no way the fatass saved these hotties!" Yelled a boy.

"But Its true..." Said Nago. "It was honestly a little scary...but he saved us." Said Satomi. "He was strong...he got them and saved us instantly." Said Yumi. They were in disbelieve. "And for that, we all agreed to be there for him in his time of need just as he was for us." Said Nago. "And we wanna he there for him too and spend time with him to make up for the year we had apart." Said Ivy. Most of the boys in the room began crying from defeat, meanwhile Connor laughed at their reaction. "But wait, if that's true, how did you know he was here? Or who he was?" Asked Ruby. "Oh, well, I overheard the police that took us home say his name since Connor signed it and when asking around afterwards, we met someone who heard him and said he comes here." Said Nato. "As for me and Susie, the last time we talked to him, he said he comes here and once we got permission, we thought we'd come here to catch up." Said Ivy. "Alright girls. take a seat and the teacher will go on with the lesson soon." Said Ozpin. Nodding, the girls sit and were asked questions as they wait for the teacher to show up. During that time, Connor overheard that the police weren't going to question Connor or arrest him for the killings cause the girls he saved kept claiming that it was self defence, not wantng him to be put in jail for saving them. Due to there being evideice that the men were criminals that sex traffic people and having multiple statements saying it was self defence, they let Connor go.

Anyway, through class, Connor got his memories of Ivy and Susie back and by the time class ends, Connor and his friends eat lunch together when he notice someone approaching them. Connor turns, Connor saw it was his other friends/lovers and kids. "Hey guys...this is Ivy and Suise, my friends from a old school of mine and Nago, Satomi and Yume, three girls I saved." They smile and walk to them, sitting down. "Girls, these are my friends, girlfriends and these two are my adopted children." The girls turn to Connor and then them and smile. "Nice to meet you...thank you for taking care of Connor." Said Ivy. They nod and smile. "So, how did you meet Ivy and Susie?" Asked Rin. "These two use to be bullies, but we made up and now we're friends." Said Connor. Susie and Ivy looked down. "Hey, don't be so sad...I forgive you both and it's all in the past." Said Connor. They smile and finish their lunch before leaving.

As Connor's female friends sit and talk about different things, Connor and the boys went on a boys night out. Eventually, Ivy was asked a question that no one expected. "So, Ivy, Susie...why are you here?" Asked Emily. "Well...when we heard stories of events that happened to Connor, and that we haven't seen him in a while, we came here to look for him." Said Ivy. "Well we're happy to hear you care...Connor has been through a lot through the last year." Said Rin. They were silent. "Hey...girls, I wanted to ask you something." Said Ivy. "What?" Asked Emily. "It might be too late for me so...take care of him." Said Ivy. "Too late? What do you mean?" Asked Rin. Emily then realise. "You like him too don't you?" Asked Emily. Ivy looked down with a sad look. "Yes, but don't worry I won't try and separate you." Said Ivy. Emily look down for a moment before smiling. "It's OK...ivy look, I love Connor, but I don't mind sharing him as long as you promise me, you won't try to keep him to yourself." Said Rin. Ivy looks at Emily and Rin in shock but also happiness. "Promise!" Said Ivy.

Connor: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now