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After a few minutes, Connor got a message saying "come to the alleyway to the side of the Cafe." Seeing this, Connor got up, earning everyone's attention. "Just got a message from them...they said to come to the alleyway to the side of the Cafe...if anyone wants to stay here till we're done, nows your chance." Said Connor. Everyone stood up, saying their going with. With that, they pay for the drinks they had while waiting and walked outside, heading to the alleyway, when..."You dumb bitch!" A voice called. They all hear a voice from the alleyway, causing them to look inside to see a group of four, three men and one woman who seemed to be their age. "You think I didn't know? You've been trying to call the cops on us!" Yelled the man, who seemed to he the leader "I-I swear sweetie, I didn't! I promise!" Yelled the girl, scared. "Oi, fucker!" A voice yelled. They turn to Connor, who was pissed.

"I'm genuinely getting fucking pissed off that fuckers like you fucking hit women...why? Does it make you feel better? Cause your too much of a little bitch to fight someone your own size? Beating people who are too weak or scared to defend themselves, you cocky fucks?" Asked Connor. Everyone behind Connor stared at him, stunned at his outburst. Connor walked to them, one of the three, which was skinny but seemed to he strong approach Connor.

"The fuck did you say?!" Yelled the boy. The boy swung a kick, hitting Connor in the head and makes a cocky smirk, thinking he won, to only scream in pain as he fell to the ground, holding his ankle, which was popped out of the socket from the kick. "W-What the fuck?!" Yelled the boy. Everyone stares stunned at this, not expecting this. "My head is coated with metal, making it very difficult to knock me out or damage my head." Said Connor. "How the fuck is that possible?! You should've died!" Yelled the leader. "Personal shit that doesn't concern you...now let's get to why I'm here...I know about the kid you robbed this morning...I'm here to get what you took...if you give it to me and not do this shit again, I won't send you to the hospital." Said Connor. The other two guys look at Connor and the second one, who was fairly fat, rushes to Connor, grabbing him and slam him into the ground, using judo. "Connor!" Yelled Zoe. "Oi, asshole...didn't you hear what I said?" Asked Connor. The guy looks at Connor, seeing that he was bleeding, but still conscious. "I don't pass out easily." Said Connor. Connor got up, making the guy try again, this time aiming for Connor's legs, attempting to get him by the legs, but Connor lift a knee, causing him to get kneed in the face, breaking his nose.

Falling to the ground, the guy grunts, his nose bleeding and he's struggling to breath through it, making him breath through his mouth. Seeing an opening, the guy grabs Connor's leg, wrapping his arms and legs around Connor's, causing him to fall as the guy attempted to break Connor's leg. "Connor!" Yelled Crystal. "Shit, we gotta help him! He's gonna get his leg broken!" Yelled Eugene, about to step in. "No need." Said Connor. They all stare at Connor, stunned at what he just did. Connor's leg joints dislocated itself by the ankle, knee and thigh, making it floppy and longer as if it was a dead snake."Because I got this." Said Connor. "W-What? What did--" Before he finished, Connor was already on top of him, due to the leg being dislocated enough to make Connor able to move beyond the limit from the potion be was in. "I dislocated my own leg...its a thing many people can do, the only down side is you need high enough pain tolerance to be able to keep it like that for as long as you need...for me? I can leave it for about 2 to 3 minutes...giving me time to get out of the hold or beat the person who I'm fighting." Said Connor. Connor then lift a punch, hitting the boy in the face and knock him out, making him let go of Connor's leg. As Connor stood up, he relocates the joints, making the bones crack as he stood up, turning to the leader. "You wanna be cocky like your friends and fight, or give me what I want and fuck off." Said Connor. The leader looks at Connor before growling, pulling something from his pockets, taking out brass knuckles, "You may have a fucking hard head, but these brass knuckles will keep me from breaking my hand, so let's do this!" Yelled the leader.

Connor: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now