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Connor sigh as he turn to see Penny looking down, making a sad face. Connor looks at her and sigh as he walked to her and sit down in front of her. "Hey, don't cry." Said Connor. "B-But she's right! I ain't gonna have friends cause I'm a freak! I'm a waste of space and I should die!" Said Penny. Connor look at her before growling and lunge at her, hugging her and pull her to him. "Never say that! They are the freaks! The wastes of space and should die! Cruel people like them don't deserve anything." Said Connor. Connor makes Penny look up at him. "Penny, I know what's its like to be alone...to be hurt from people who you thought were your friends...but I will be your friend and I promise I'd be there for you no matter what." Said Connor. She looked at Connor, red faced and tears up before hugging him, her face being shoved into his chest. "Your so kind....thank you." Said Penny. Connor smiles. "No problem...come on, schools gonna start soon so we should get to class." Said Connor. She nods and they got up, walking to class.

As Connor and Penny walked to the cafateria for lunch, Connor saw Rico looking down. Connor smile as he approach him. "Hey Rico, how are you?" Asked Connor. "I'm well...who's this?" Asked Rico. "Oh, this is Penny." Said Connor. "Hi! I'm Penny! I'm Connor's friend and I hope we can be friends too!" Said Penny. Rico blushed but nods. "Come on you two, lets eat...maybe if their here, I can interduce you to two more people." Said Connor. They nod and walked to the cafateria where they got their food and before finding a table, someone called Connor. "Connor! Over here!" A girl called. Connor turns to see Emily smiling. Connor smilez and walked to the table, Rico and Penny following behind. "Hey Connor, who are they?" Asked Emily. "This is Rico and Penny." Said Connor.

"Hi~!" Yelled Penny. "Greetings." Said Rico. "Nice to meet you! So Connor, how is your time in this school going?" Asked Emily. "Its going fine." Said Connor. He turn to Penny. "I met a new friend." Said Connor. He then turn to Rico. "And I met Rico yesterday so that's good! Plus I met you and Jason!" Said Connor. "Jason?" Asked Emily. "Yo." A boy spoke. They turn to see Jason walking to them, smiling and waving. "Oh yeah, I met him yesterday too, Jason, this is Emily, Rico and Penny." Said Connor. Jason sits down with them, next to Emily. "Nice to meet you all." Said Jason. They smile. And with that, Connor's new life in this school and with new friends begun.

As Connor and his new friends walk around the street, Connor notice Emily and Penny were very energetic and looked like two kids in a candy store. Connor smile at the sight of that and turn to Jason and Rico who seemed to be tired, which he don't blame them, the girls use them as travel bags, making them carry their stuff, though Connor don't exactually feel tired. As they walked, Connor notice people were looking at him. Connor glare at them to see them turn away, scared, making Connor guess they must know about what the school did, unless Connor's scars and stuff scare them.

"You ok man?" Asked Jason. "Huh? Oh, yeah people were just looking at me." Said Connor. He looked him over. "Well you do have scars, white hair, different coloured eye and black nails." Said Jason. "Wow, way to explain that I look like a freak." Said Connor."Oh come on, you know what I mean." Said Jason. Though he wasn't wrong. Due to Connor not being able to dye his hair or find a prostatic eye that matched his other one, he had to look like that. They walked for a while until the girls had enough and let them walk the bags and stuff to their dorms.

Once they got to their dorms, Connor, Jason and Rico put the stuff down before leaving and walked to their dorms too. "Connor, how the hell did you not get tired or sore while carrying the bags?!" Yelled Jason. "Cause I carried heavier...I know I don't look like it, I'm stronger then your think." Said Connor. "You do seem that way." Said Rico. Just then, Connor notice his phone go off, saying he got a message. "Huh." Connor muttered. "Who's that?" Asked Jason.

"Just a Message from a friend named Rin...she was someone I know from my old school and we stay in touch." Said Connor. "Ok, you should respond." Said Jason. Connor nod and looked at the message. <Hey Connor, I got tickets to a romantic fair...I want to go with you if you are ok with that.> Rin texted. Connor smiles. <Sure, when are you free?> Connor responds. There was a moment of silence, making Connor think maybe she's having a freak out due to her being embarrassed. <Tomorrow if your free since its Saturday.> Rin texted back. <Ok, see you at 7 the entrance.> Connor replied. <Yeah> Rin responds. "So, you got a date or something?" Asked Jason. "Yep...if Emily or Penny ask, let them know I'm busy." Said Connor.

Connor: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now