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As they watch the movie, Connor glanced at Elizabeth's hair. The familiar orange hair she had since they, which made Connor smiles. "What's wrong?" Asked Elizabeth. "Oh, sorry just got distracted by your hair." Said Connor. "What about it?" Asked Elizabeth. "It just looks as pretty as it did back when we met." Said Connor. She blushes and she looked away. "Is...is it just my hair that was pretty?" Asked Elizabeth. Connor looks at her confused. "No? Everything about you is pretty, I was just pointing out one of the beautiful things about you." Said Connor. She looked at Connor, blushing. She looked down before leaning against him.

"Thank you." Said Elizabeth. Connor smiles patting her head. "Your welcome." Said Connor. She smiles and snuggles beside Connor. Connor smiles and wrap a arm around her, holding her to him and continue watching the movie for a bit until, Connor notice Elizabeth looking nervous. "Hey, something wrong?" Asked Connor. She turns to Connor with a blush. "I...I just never did this before and I'm nervous." Said Elizabeth. "What do you mean? What's there to be nervous about?" Asked Connor. Connor then smirk. "Unless there's a reason why~?" Asked Connor, teasing her. She blushes, looking away. "Elizabeth, you can tell me anything." Said Connor. She looked away before speaking. "Yes...I'm nervous cause...I like you." Said Elizabeth. Connor blushes but smiles. "It's ok." Said Connor. "But...you have people to date and..." Elizabeth muttered.

Connor gently place his hand onto her cheek and make her face him. "It's ok...really." Said Connor. Connor smiles as he kiss her, making her jolt and make a cute squeal but kisses back, hugging Connor and push Connor on his back as Elizabeth was on top of him. We kiss and hold each other for a while until we stop for air and look into each others eyes. "C-Connor...I love you." Said Elizabeth. "I love you too Elizabeth." Said Connor. They share a final kiss before taking a nap.

Connor awoke in Elizabeth's bed, her warm body against him, sleeping cutely. Connor smiles as he kiss her head and got up, exiting her room but before getting to the stairs, he felt a throb of pain. "Ahh! Fuck!" Yelled Connor. Connor held his head, feeling the familiar throb from something, maybe the virus. Connor pants as he held his head and sit at the floor but then notice someone walk to him and gently touch Connor's head. Connor looks up to see it was Sam. "Connor, are you alright?" Asked Sam. "Y-Yeah...I just got a headache." Said Connor. Just then, someone came into view. "Hey Matsuri." Said Connor. She knees down to Connor too. "Are you alright?" Asked Connor. "Yeah...just a headache." Said Connor. Matsuri uses her hand to rub Connor's head gently, making Connor make a small moan from how it felt.

"S-Sorry, it just--" Connor was cut off by Matsuri. "Shh, don't talk...come on." Said Matsuri, cutting Connor off. She helped Connor up and to her room where she rested Connor in her bed and Sam walked out. "I'm gonna get some medicine for your head." Said Sam. Connor nods and Sam wondered off. Just then, not too long after, a smash echoed from down stairs. "What the--" Connor was cut off by the door opening and someone with a gun came in, firing it but before Connor could act, Matsuri was already hit in the head.

Connor stares at Matsuri's body for a split second, before the realisation comes in. "MATSURI!!!!" Yelled Connor. Connor turns to the man as he fired. Connor growls as he got up and he fires shots but it didn't affect Connor. Connor run to him and before the guy could act, Connor tore off his head. Connor pants before running to Matsuri. "Matsuri..." Connor muttered before growling again, running to the other rooms to find Elizabeth was dead too and when he got to the living room, Connor saw Big bro plus a gang of people looming over the dead body's of everyone else. "I'm...gonna....fucking...KILL YOU!!!!" Yelled Connor as the virus activate and Connor runs to them and they all began firing but didn't get affected and Connor began slaughtering them but before be got to Big bro, he had already escaped. Connor kept tearing them all apart and eventually killed them all. Connor pants as he looks up at the bloodstained roof and let's out a scream before he pass out.

Connor: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now