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Connor enters the house as he heard footsteps running to him. Connor looked down as he felt a hug from the kids. "Welcome home!" Said the kids. Connor smiles. "Thanks kiddos, how are you going?" Asked Connor. "We're fine." Said Alicia. Connor smiles but then notice someone walking into the room. "Hey Zero, how are you?" Asked Connor. Zero was silent. Zero went into his room and Connor said nothing, worried but turn back to the girls. "I'm gonna go talk to him, I'll see you girls in a bit." Said Connor. They let go and Connor walked to Zero's room. Connor knocks on the door and enter but stop when he saw Zero on his bed, cutting his wrist. "Zero..." Connor muttered. Zero looked at Connor. Connor runs to him and slap the knife out of his hand, hugging Zero. "Connor..." Zero muttered. "Idiot...its not your fault." Said Connor. Zero tears up. "It is...because I couldn't stop him...because I--" Zero was cut off. "Zero...the one at fault is Marcus for injecting Jason with the drug...you had no control over the situation, just as I didn't." Said Connor, cutting him off.

Zero cried and cried before holding Connor close. "I'm sorry...I'm sorry..." Said Zero. "Its ok...come on, lets get your arm patched up." Said Connor. Zero nods and they walked to the bathroom, washing and bandaging Zero's cuts before he looks at him. "Zero, are you gonna be ok? Cause if you want I can stay with you for a while." Said Connor. Zero tears up, nodding and hug Connor. "Ok...let's go to bed so we get comfy." Said Connor. Zero nods and we walked to the bed and we lay down, cuddling.

The next day, after doing a few jobs for Leo, Connor was currently walking home when he got a phone call. Connor answers the phone to see it was from Leo. "Hello?" Asked Connor, "Connor! Are you in your house right now?!" Asked Leo. "No, I was on my way, why?" Asked Connor. "Cause I was given word people went to attack your house! Connor if you have someone there, You need to get to them now!" Said Leo. "Shit, thanks for the heads up!" Said Connor, hanging up. Connor got to the house and run inside, seeing the place trashed and Connor looks around. Connor runs around the house until suddenly, there was a gunshot. "Zero!" Yelled Lizzy. Connor jolts, looking at the hallway, where Zero's room was. Connor runs to the room and kick the door open to see 10 men in black suits and one had a gun out, pointing to Zero's corpse.

"Zero..." Connor muttered. Connor look down before growling in anger and looked up at them, taking out his knives. "Your dead!" Yelled Connor. Connor run to them, them firing shots at Connor but thanks to the suit, he wasn't exactly hurt and dodge some too so he wasn't hit in the head. Connor got to one and slash at them, slitting their throat before Connor throws one of the knives at one and once it hits them in the head, Connor yank it out but also swung his hand, making the knife go flying and cut threes throats and Connor move his hand up and move in a stab position, making the knife stab into another's head. Connor yank it out and to his hand before running to more, them firing at Connor but again doesn't affect him due to the suit. Just then, right when Connor killed two more, he notice one looking frantic and then turn to the kids, about to use one as a hostage. Connor run to them and stab him in the throat, ripping it out and stood in front of his kids.

"You want the kids...your gonna have to go through me!" Yelled Connor. Just then, more came and fire at Connor but using the suit, Connor protected them, keeping them safe from bullets. Once out of ammo, Connor took the chance to run to them and slit two's throats. "Come on!" Yelled Connor. Just then, Connor notice one of them running to the kids. Connor runs after him and throw the knife but right when hitting his shoulder, the man squeezed the trigger and fired a shot, hitting Lizzy in the stomach. "Lizzy!" Yelled Alicia. "No!" Yelled Connor. Connor run to Lizzy and knee down to Lizzy and the kids. Lizzy looked up at Connor. "D-Daddy, it hurts..." Said Lizzy. "Shh, I know baby, I know but hang on, I'll get you to the hospital." Said Connor. Connor turns to the remaining three men. "Get...out of my way!" Yelled Connor, taking out his gun, having no time to waste fighting them. Connor fires three shots, killing them before putting it away and turn to Lizzy, taking off his jacket and wrap it around her stomach tightly.

Connor: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now