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There was a moment of silence before Niko spoke. "Connor...I'm sorry...I'm so sorry for what I said...its just...for the first time in years I got the chance to make friends and feel normal...like no one will come and try to kill me like they always do in the past because of those people...and seeing as you were in my face about things, I snapped." Said Niko.

"No, I should be sorry...Niko, you were right, I was paranoid...I just wanted you girls to be safe...your the only family i have left and I didn't want to lose you." Said Connor. "What are you talking about?" Asked Hiro. "None your business." Said Connor. Connor looks at them. "Listen, I'm not going to tell you everything about our family trauma, so drop it...you know why I'm not dead, so stop asking questions." Said Connor.

"Why are you being so rude?" Asked Kawai. "Cause your trying to butt in to our business when we have every right to say anything...besides I'm still pissed about yesterday." Said Connor. "What are you angry about?" Asked Yuzura. "That you all told Niko, Utai want home and didn't want to hang out when she was actually still there and didn't bother waiting to ask her and basically abandoned her." Said Connor.

They all stay silent, Naoko and Yuzura actually looking shocked. "What?! You did that to her?" Asked Yuzura. "The hell guys?" Asked Naoko. "What's the problem?" Asked Toshi. "The problem is that you fucking abandoned her! She's your friend ain't she?! The fucking least you could do is actually ASK her if she wants to go, instead of just abandoning her!" Said Connor, getting angrier. "What's your problem?! We just didn't want to hang with her, so what?!" Yelled Toshi. "She was fucking bullied after abandoned her, you fucking twit!" Yelled Connor. "Hey! Don't talk to Toshi like that!" Yelled Kawai. "I don't give a shit! Niko and Utai are the only family I have left, so if anything happens because of you, I won't hesitate to talk or maybe even beat some sense into your damn skulls!" Yelled Connor. They all look at Connor. "Did you just threaten us?!" Yelled Kawai. "That's not a fucking threat, that's a fucking promise! Now if your Niko and Utai's friends, treat them better and don't pull stupid shit like that again!" Yelled Connor. "Who are you to talk to us like this?!" Yelled Hiro. "A boy who lost everything I loved and only have two family left and would do anything to protect them or make those who hurt them pay! That's who the fuck I am and I don't care who it is I do it to!" Said Connor. Toshi stood up. "What makes you think you can? You may be "Immortal" but that doesn't mean you can." Said Toshi. At those words, Niko makes a gasp as she looked angry, Utai who read his lips, put her hand to her mouth out of shock and Connor...snapped.

Connor grabbed Toshi by the collar of his shirt and yank him up, scaring everyone but Niko and Utai. "You don't know shit! Your just a fucking kid! You don't know what we went through and what I'm capable of! So fuck off!" Yelled Connor. "Let him go, you monster!" Yelled Kawai, slapping Connor. Connor looks to the side for a moment before be turns to Kawai and gives her a slap. Everyone stared stunned at his action. "Don't you dare think that just cause you got a pussy doesn't mean I won't hit back...if I'm being assaulted by a male or female, I throw fucking hands." Said Connor. Connor then toss Toshi to the ground, causing him to grunt from the landing, before looking up at Connor. "All of you. Get out. Of my house. NOW!" Yelled Connor.

From there, out of fear, everyone but Niko and Utai left the house, leaving the three alone. Connor looks towards the door and then sighs, feeling his anger beginning to slowly to lower again. Connor then felt someone holding his hand, causing him to look to see Utai, looking at Connor with a serious, yet worried look.

Connor gives her a smile before mouthing "I'm ok". Connor then notice Niko get off the couch and hug Connor, making him look down at her. "I'm sorry Connor...I shouldn't have said those things...I was just so angry...we went through so much and couldn't have the chance to he normal...make friends...and I just let it control me...Connor you do protect us...you try your best...nothing that happened is your fault...you did everything you could." Said Niko.

Connor: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now