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Cheering echoes as people shout for the fighters to fight. Connor's been going for the past few nights, watching the fights to get a little more of a handle on what is happening, so he's prepared. Some nights he's with Megumi but others he hasn't seen her, making him come here alone. Anyway, Connor smile as it was over and a woman who won the fight appeared on the screen.

"winner: Angel of light". Connor smiles. He's been watching her fights for a while and something about her inspires him to try this. Connor smiles as he notices people walking away from the arena, about to either fight or go home or just wait till the next fight comes on. Connor got up himself and walk but then notice Angel of light walking away from the arena.

Connor smiles before following, hoping to get a autograph or see her real face since if people who don't want to be seen for what they truly look like or their real names, they make a type of mask, names or clothing for the fights. Connor got there and walk when he notices someone being pinned to the wall. Connor was going to go, thinking it was just a couple when he notices the look of the girl's face.

She had the look of both fear and disgust as if she was angry but also scared. Connor got closer, knowing he's probably going to be beaten easily but he can't just stand around or walk away. "Hey!" Yelled Connor. They turn to Connor. "Leave the girl alone!" Yelled Connor. The boy smirked, walking to Connor. "Or what?" Asked the boy. Connor looked at the boy, the two stare each other down. "Don't know what I can do...but even so..." Connor mutters but the two could hear him. "I won't oust walk away when someone is in danger." Said Connor.

The boy punched Connor in the gut, making him vomit slightly as Connor lift into the air by 5 inches before falling to his knees before he kicked Connor in the face. "Hahaha! What? Aren't you going to fight and help her?" Asked the boy. Connor looked at him before slowly getting up to only get another punch and kick to the face, making Connor go flying 2 feet from him. "GAH!" Connor Yelled. Connor slowly got up again, this time on his feet, turning to him see his fist for a split second before Connor get hit in the face yet again and fell back this time stayed up.

He throws a punch again, but this time Connor moved his body a bit while hitting the boy's fist with his hand, deflecting it before Connor knees him in the gut but he recovered instantly and throws a punch, making Connor go flying to the wall and hit it before falling to the ground but got up. "That was a good knee to the gut, I'll give you that...but not enough for this!" Yelled the boy. He throws another punch and Connor does the same deflecting thing, but this time moved more, and his fist and head hits the wall.

"AHH!" The boy Yelled. Connor then kicks him on his side before he could fall to the ground and fell back to the ground. "Come on!" Yelled Connor, panting. He got up and throws several punches which hit but didn't affect Connor like before and Connor could still stand and even throw one into his face, making him fall back. "AHH!" Yelled the boy. He held his nose as blood leaked from it like tap water. "HA! That's the spirit!" Yelled the boy. He runs to Connor and Connor got ready to deflect or dodge the next punch, but he instead kicked Connor in the gut, and he was sent flying two feet behind him before landing on his rear but was able to get up still and throw a punch as well which hits him.

He stepped back from the punch but then step forward and punched Connor's chest, making him lose air in his lungs as he fell to the ground. "You know, for a weakling, you're lasting longer than anyone I fought so far and even gave me a strong punch and kick." Said the boy. Connor pants, holding his chest before looking at him. Connor got up but then was sent back again from a kick. The boy began kicking and punching Connor repeatedly. Suddenly, he was hit in the head and fell back. He went to punch who it was but then was kicked in the crotch and kneed him in the face several times before throwing him back.

Connor: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now