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Connor was currently walking with Lilly as he held her hand, smiling. The two walked to a nearby pizza place to order something when he notice Lilly glancing over to the side. Connor glanced there to see a man who looked somewhat familiar, looking at Lilly with a creep smile. Connor glares at him with this angry look, making the man flinch and back off. Connor and Lilly kept walking until he notice the same man nearby, following him and Lilly. Connor ignored it at first to be sure he was actually following them, but the more he walked, the more he was sure to the point he was almost about to lunge at the man. Suddenly, something went over Connor's mouth, causing him to breath whatever it was in and also swing a hit at the man's side, making him fall as Connor began getting dizzy. "Lilly...run..." Connor fell unconscious. 

Waking up in the hospital, Connor sits up as he looked around, wanting to know if Lillys ok. Connor disconnected himself from the machines and run to the closest person to ask. Exiting the room, Connor saw his parents, Lilly's and two officers. Connor runs to them, grabbing onto the male officer. "Lilly! Where is she?! Is she ok?!" Yelled Connor. The two officers plus the parents turn to him. "Connor." Rachael muttered as she gently touch his shoulder, but Connor hits it away. "Where is she?! Tell me!" Yelled Connor. There was a moment of silence before the officer spoke.

"We don't know...someone found you unconscious and saw a man running off with a child, but got away since they checked on you first." Said the officer. Connor looked at the officer as tears stream down his face. "No...why..." Connor muttered as he lets go of the officers arm. "Why did they check me...why...they should've gone after Lilly...they should've saved her and then come back for me..." Connor muttered.

"You were on the ground, they wanted to know if your dead." Said the officer. "They should've gone after him! I'm both important! A child was kidnapped! The first thing they should've done was get her!" Yelled Connor. "Son calm down." Said the officer. "How!? How can I?! Here I am in the hospital while Lilly is gone! She should've been here! Even if I died on the spot they should've gone after her!" Yelled Connor. "Connor! Don't say that!" Yelled Rachael. "I. Don't. Care!" Yelled Connor, making his mother flinch.

Richard then walked to Connor and slapped him hard across the face before hugging him. "Your just as important...never say that again." Said Richard. Connor stared blankly into space before feeling tears going down his face as he hugged back. A day or so had passed and Connor was currently sitting in his armchair, beer in hand and looking blankly at his TV. Connor's been watching the news ever since that day, wanting to see if they find Lilly. Connor stared at the TV until suddenly, Connor saw a news report saying something about a child.

Connor's hearing goes muffled as he saw that the person...was Lilly. They found Lilly raped and dead in a gutter. Connor felt tears go down his face as he felt anger lift from him. Before Connor knew it, his fist was already swung at the TV and smashed it, making large cracks across the screen. His parents enter the room, calmly yet sad due to them just seeing the news on their TV and rush to tell Connor to not look when they heard a smash. "Connor..." Richard muttered.

The two look in shock at Connor's eyes when he turns to them. Connor's eyes were dull and had tears streaming down his face and looked as if he was dead. Rachael looked at Connor before pushing past Richard and run to Connor, hugging him and he stared blankly. Connor dropped the beer but since it was empty, it didn't spill. Connor does nothing as his mother hugged him.

A week after Lilly's death, Connor has been drinking more then usual, not caring if he drank himself to death. Anyway, Connor was currently walking home from a alcohol shop, buying some beer but when getting to alleyway, Connor glance over to see a girl with orange dyed hair and a small white cat hairpin bring pinned to the wall. Connor growls before approaching them, making them turn to him. "What do you want?" Asked the man. Connor puts his beer down before approaching him. "You like hurting people huh? What are you gonna do to her? Assault her? Kill her?" Asked Connor.

Connor: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now