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By the time Connor was done, he saw myself in the in the mirror. Connor's hair was now green with blue tips and all his scars on his face, hands and neck were covered. Since Connor wear the bullet proof suit most of the time, he don't need to worry about his arms or chest or even back but even if Connor take it off, as long as they don't see his face or know who Connor is, He'll be fine. Connor also put in the purple and red contact lenses cause he thought they looked cool and since Connor's not too worried about his green eyes but it wouldn't hurt to chance the eye colour for fun. Once Connor was completely unrecognisable, Connor turns and exit the bathroom, walking towards the small fridge and look inside. Apparently there are drinks and stuff but you have to pay for it. Considering how Connor was hungry and thirsty and didn't have the strength or energy to by something, he ate and made sure to give them the money later.

Due to rumours from the streets, Connor could find a place where a certain person goes to that works jobs with the people he's after and also has different jobs that they know about, meaning if Connor were to work with him, he can get them to think Connor could be trusted and get them. Connor enters the place, which was called "Freddy's food, booze and hookers" and looked around. Showing his ID, Connor got in easy and began looking, getting glares from people, not like hurtful or anger, but lust or a look of someone who see's someone weird. Connor sighs and look around when Connor notice the guy being sucked off by someone. Connor sit in a booth nearby before Connor noticed a woman approaching him and smiles. "Hello cutie~ What'll it be?" Asked the woman. "A beer and pizza please." Said Connor. She nods with a wink and walked off.

As Connor waits for his food, Connor relaxed when Connor notice someone sitting with the guy as the woman finished. "You got the stuff?" Asked the man. "Sorry, not yet." Said the second. The first one growls, obviously angry. "You fat fuck! I give you money, I give you all you want and you can't even do one fucking job for me?!" Yelled the man. "Hey, I will do it, promise, I will get it by tomorrow." Said the second. The first sighs before getting up. "Fine but if you don't, that is coming of and gonna be glued to your fucking forehead." Said the first as he point to his crotch, obviously meaning his manhood. The second man gulps but nods and the first walked off, leaving the second alone with his food and the girl beside him, who went back to sucking him off. "Damn." Connor muttered. Just then Connor's food and drink arrived and Connor turns to the woman smiling. "Thank you." Said Connor. She smiles sweetly before walking off, swinging her hips, making her ass go side to side, obviously trying to get Connor horny. Connor turns and open his beer, taking a drink, wanting to finish his food and drink before doing anything.

After a bit of eating and drinking, Connor notice two women walking into his direction but Connor paid it no mind, thinking their going to someone else when they sit by Connor. "Hello cutie~, how has your time been so far?" Asked the first woman. "Good, the booze and food are great." Said Connor. She smiles. "How about...we make it better~?" Asked the first woman. Just then, the second grabbed Connor's crotch before blushing and had a bigger lustful look as she began rubbing Connor. "Ooh~, he's big~." Said the second woman. Connor gulps, gently grabbing her hand. "S-Sorry, I am taken." Said Connor. They pout. "Oh come on, we just want to have some fun~." Said the first woman.

"I can't, sorry but thanks for asking." Said Connor. Just then, someone walked to them. Connor turns to see it was a group of men with one having a large scar across his face. "Hey, ladies, me and my boys wanted to have some fun so come with us and pleasure us not this fatso." Said the man. Connor glance at the girls to see they were scared. Just then, one of the men grabbed ones arm and she made a yelp, as if she was scared. Connor shot up and throw a punch, hitting him in the face. "Don't ever touch a lady without permission." Said Connor. They look at Connor, angry and Connor got ready to fight. Connor stared down the group of men in front of him. The one Connor punched, runs to him, throwing a punch but Connor catch it, twisting it fast enough, making it break and he fell to his knees before Connor knee him in the face and he fell unconscious.

Connor: Part 1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant