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Connor and the others got to the address and and once to the gate, someone stopped them. "Holt! Who are you?" Asked a guard. "My name is Connor, me and these people are escorts for princess Sofia...we're here to talk with the owner." Said Connor. He turns to the others and then the princess. "Come in." Said the guard. They enter and follow the guard to where the owner of the mansion is. They eventually got to the dinning room where they saw a large table full of people. "Oh, Sofia, you came...I guess you changed your mind?" Asked Marcus. He got off his chair and walk to them but Connor push Sofia behind him. He looked at Connor for a moment before getting closer. "Move peasant, I want to be with my princess." Said Marcus.

He went to grab her from behind Connor but Connor grabbed his arm. "Hands off." Said Connor. Connor throw his hand from him and he looks at Connor as if Connor did something bad. "How dare you?!" Yelled Marcus. "Well I grabbed your wrist, that's how I dared." Said Connor. He growls, snapping his fingers and sent the guards to him. Right when one went to grab Sofia, Connor pulled out his gun and place the barrel on their head, shooting and killing them. The other guards tried to attack but Connor and my friends attack, Connor killing them and his friends knocking them unconscious, leaving only two or so Guards left since the owner of the castle order them to stand down. "Listen kid, all I want is to have Sofia...please hand her over and just go...if not then I shell attack again when you don't expect it." Said Marcus. "Ok, come at me." Said Connor. Connor points the gun to him. Suddenly, Connor felt a throb of pain come from the wounds making Connor lower his gun and hold his side, making the two guards run to Connor and hold him down due to Connor being distracted. ""Connor!"" Yelled Connor's friends/lovers. They tried to help but were pinned down by more guards, who arrived turing the conversation. The guy then grabbed Sofia and pulled her to him. "Connor!" Yelled Sofia. "Sofia..." Connor muttered. Everything went black, due to the guards knocking him out.

Connor awoke to a cold, pitch black cell in what seemed to be a underground dungeon. Connor sit up and felt more pain in his side but then felt a warm hand on his shoulder. "No...you need rest." Said Yue. Connor turns to Yue. "Where are the others?" Asked Connor. "Asleep over there while Sofia is with the man...but Jason was taken a moment ago." Said Yue. "Shit...I need to save them." Said Connor. Connor got up but Yue grabbed his arm. "No, you need rest...you look terrible." Said Yue. "No...Sofia and Jason needs me...besides, I went through things like this before." Said Connor. Just then, someone open their cell and point a gun at Connor. "Your coming with me." Said the guard. Connor turns to Yue. "I'll see you soon, I promise." Said Connor. She looked at Connor before nodding. Connor smiles before walking out of the cell and walked towards the guard, hands up, saying he won't do anything.

They walked though the dungeon and eventually got to a room where they entered and once did, Connor was taking to a chair where the guard shackles Connor down. Just then, Marcus walked in through one of the doors, smirking. "Oh, here's the prick himself." Said Connor. His smirk fades as he growls, running to Connor and threw a punch, making Connor's head turn to the right before Connor spit blood and turn to him again. "Aw, baby upset?" Asked Connor. He growls again, throwing another punch to Connor's gut, chest and left cheek. "How dare you talk to me in that matter!" Yelled Marcus. "Fuck off, you think your hot shit but your nothing but a prick wanting to date or marry anyone, even a fucking child for their family's money!" Said Connor. He growls before snapping his fingers before making a flat hand and someone handed him a knife before be shoved it into Connor's stomach.

"Gah!!!!" Yelled Connor. He smirked at Connor's pain and back up but his smirked fades when he saw Connor was laughing. "Hahah! Got ya! I went through way worse then a stab to the stomach." Said Connor. He growls before taking it out and stab Connor multiple times in the stomach and chest but to only get more pissed when he saw that Connor had a smile, smirking at him. "Come on, I met women who cause more pain then that!" Yelled Connor. He growls more and just stabbed and slashed Connor and before long, Connor stopped moving. He pants and smirks as he saw Connor wasn't moving. Connor then made a noise as he make it look as if he just woke up from a nap. "Huh? Oh, your still here? How's it going for you?" Asked Connor. "H-How...you...you should be dead!" Yelled Marcus. Connor smirks. "I'm hard to kill bitch...and if you don't let my friends and Sofia go, I'll use that to kill you...this is your only warning...cause if you decline, I will come for you...you will die...and I will be the one who kills you." Said Connor. He looks as Connor before growling and throws the knife away, walking to the guards, who were just as shocked. "M-Make sure he doesn't get out! And for gods sake kill the son of a bitch!" Yelled Marcus. They nod and the moment he left, they got to work.

Connor: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now