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Connor turns on the living room light and as he and Para sit on the couch. "So, what's up?" Asked Connor. Para took a breath. "I'm sorry for everything...I was a terrible friend...you've done nothing but help and protect me so I shouldn't have believed you would do anything like that." Said Para. Connor looks at her before smiling. "Para...I forgive you...but promise to never to that again." Said Connor. She nods with a smile on her face. "I promise." Said Para. Connor then took a breath laying his head on the back of the couch. "Well...you wanna spend the night or go to your home?" Asked Connor. "I'll stay the night..." Said Para. She got closer before Connor felt her hug him as if she was snuggling up to him for warmth. "You cold? I can go and get you a blanket." Said Connor. "No...stay..." Said Para. Connor smiles before wrapping a arm around her while putting his other hand on the back of her head, holding her head to Connor's shoulder. "So...you wanna sleep like this?" Asked Connor. She nods. She suddenly pushed Connor down to the couch and laid on top of him as she reached over for a blanket.

"Oh, forgot about that." Said Connor with a nervous chuckle. She giggles as she was snuggling on top of Connor. "Connor...I wanted to tell you something." Said Para. "What's up?" Asked Connor. "I wanted to tell you why we took the whole thing so hard...you see there's something we females kept from you...you see when we heard about the lie, we couldn't help but take it really hard cause of the fact that you...you have been there for us...we let our guard down when with you...because most people, mainly males, we have to be on our guard around males and all that but with you...no one does...cause you protected us and helped us when we needed you, no hesitation...so..." She gently touched Connor's cheek and gently stroke it, getting closer to his face as Connor felt her breath on his face.

"Para..." Connor muttered. "Connor..." Para muttered. She kissed Connor, which he wanted to pull back at first but melt into it and kiss back, holding her to him and kiss back. They kiss for a bit before she stopped and looked at Connor. "Connor, I love you..." Said Para. "I love you too..." Said Connor. They kiss again and kept going through the beautiful night.

The next day. Connor is seen with the girls, his friends and the kids, walking around the park. After the dinner the other night, just like Para, Connor decided to give everyone a chance to gain Connor's trust, so he they began hanging out with Connor and his friends, lovers and kids more often. As he walked, Connor notice someone not too far from them. Connor turn to see Ruby and her family, minus Tom and Yang. "Connor~!" Yelled Ruby. She runs to Connor and hug him. Connor slightly jolted, but calmed down and hug back. "Hey Ruby..." Said Connor. Connor turn to the others to see them smiling. "So anyway, you all want to hang out? If so then come on." Said Connor. They smile and they all walked around the park and town as they got to know the girls, Connor's friends and the kids. Due to the forgiveness, Connor's friends, lovers and kids decided to give them a chance too but they decided to let Connor know if something happens.

Anyway, everyone is seen talking as they wait for Rico and Rin to finish in the bathroom nearby, but as they wait, Connor couldn't help but feel uneasy. Rico finished his business and walked out of the bathroom, when he stopped in his tracks, seeing someone dragging Rin away. Seeing this, Rico went to go help, when suddenly someone grabs him as Rico felt something hit his chest. Connor and the others were talking and waiting for Rico and Rin, when suddenly, they heard a females scream. They turn and run towards it. Once they got to the area the scream came from, they run towards the crowd. "What the hell happened?" Asked Connor. "Someone was stabbed." Said a woman. Connor turns to the body people were seeing. "Rico!!!" Yelled Connor. Connor runs past them and to Rico. His body was covered in stab wounds, as if he was stabbed multiple times. "No...No..." Connor muttered. "C-Connor..." Rico muttered. "Rico! Thank god! Your gonna be ok! We'll get you to the hospital!" Yelled Connor. Connor turns to the crowd. "Someone call an ambulance! Now!" Yelled Connor. Connor turns to Rico again. "Come on...Come on you'll be ok...stay awake!" Said Connor. Tears went from his eyes. "Connor...they...took her..." Rico muttered.

Connor: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now