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Just then, his hand was caught by Connor, making the two look at him. "You..." The girl muttered. "Piss off before I get mad." Said Connor, throwing the boys arm away. He growls before walking away, scared because of Connor's size. "You ok?" Asked Connor. "Why did you help me?" Asked the girl. "Huh?" Asked Connor. "Why did you help me? I mean I don't know you and you don't know me...so why?" Asked the girl.

Connor looked at her before smiling. "Because it's wrong to force someone into doing something they don't want...so I couldn't resist but help." Said Connor. The girl stares at Connor with a blush as she heard what he said before looking away. "Well...I don't need your help...I can figure something out on my own." Said the girl. "Oh, I'm not saying you do, I just wanted to help...needed or not, what he was doing or going to do isn't right and any human being would help." Said Connor. The girl looked at Connor before looking down. Connor sighs before smiling again. "Hey, I got a idea...do you have any male friends?" Asked Connor.

"Huh? Yeah?" Asked the girl. "If you ask them to pretend you two are dating, you can call off the engagement." Said Connor. The girl looked at him before looking down sofb she fingers in her chin as she thinks. "That...could actually work." Said the girl. Connor smiles before turning. "Well, I'll leave ya alone now...also, my names Connor...I know you don't need my help but if you want my help, let me know, I'm happy to help people...what's your name?" Asked Connor. The girl was silent for a moment before speaking with a sigh. "Alicia." Said Alicia. "Ok, good luck..." Said Connor as he walked away.

Later that day, Connor was currently walking around the school when he saw someone talking by a bench. "Come on! Please!" Yelled Alicia. "No means no, I can't." Said a boy before getting up. The boy left and Alicia sighs as she began crying. Connor looked at her before walking to her and sit next to her, making her turn to him. "Hey, having trouble?" Asked Connor. Alicia looked at Connor before looking down, not answering. Connor looked at her before using his sleeve to wipe her tear away, making her turn to him. "Sorry, didn't have a tissue." Said Connor with a smile.

Alicia blushes before looking down. Connor looked at her before sighing again and smile. "You having trouble with the engagement, aren't you...I'll help." Said Connor. Alicia turns to Connor. "W-What?" Asked Alicia. "I know I ain't good looking and probably someone who you don't like, but I want to help, so I promise we'll get you out of this and can date and marry who you want to." Said Connor. Alicia loomed after Connor before looking down. "But why...why are you helping me?" Asked Alicia. "Cause I help those in need...not just that, but what your going through isn't right...you aren't a object someone can just put you with and force you to like it...your a human being and you deserve to be with and love who you love...no one has a right to force you into a relationship." Said Connor. Alicia looked at Connor as she began crying and looked down. Connor smiles warmly. "Do you need a hug?" Asked Connor.

Alicia was silent for a moment before hugging Connor. Connor hugs back and the two hug as he confort Alicia until she felt better. Connor and Alicia were walking as people looked at them. Due to Alicia was popular, they found it weird as to them walking together. They got to the exit of the school, about to go to her house and talk with her family when they saw the boy from before with others around them. "Alicia, what's this I head about you having an affair before your wedding?" Asked a man. "I-I wasn't father...I-" Connor cut Alicia off. "It isn't a affair or cheating if she wasn't dating him." Said Connor They looked at Connor. "Alicia is her own person, you can't force her into a relationship and marriage with someone she doesn't like, let alone know." Said Connor.

"And who are you?" Asked Alicia's father. "Connor, Alicia's boyfriend." Said Connor. They all jolt in surprise. "N-No, you can't be! My daughter already has a lover and that's it!" Yelled Alicia's father. "Piss off old man." Said Connor, getting angry. "You disrespectful little--" Connor cuts him off, speaking. "Listen, she is your daughter, you need to understand that she isn't a fucking object you can give to anyone and expect her to be happy! She is the one who decides what makes her happy cause she knows what she wants! So you are basically taking her freedom and everything away!" Yelled Connor.

Connor: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now