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The sound of running water echoes the bathroom as a 17 year old boy is seen showering. This boy is Connor, a chubby boy who hasn't had it easy. He's life wasn't full of abuse or anything like that, but that didn't mean he didn't have his challenges.

When Connor was 2 years old, he had leukaemia, making him have three years of treatment and was in the hospital a lot. Connor didn't know what stage it was exactly, but it seemed to be one of the early stages where he could be helped, which is why he wasn't exactly at risk.

Connor spent three years in treatment before he was considered cured, but it didn't go easy from there. Connor had to spend another two years relearning to walk, talk, eat, use the toilet and also had to go to school later then he would've. However, that wasn't all.

During his treatment, Connor was given medicine for his treatment, but it caused him to be hungry and violent, mainly to his mother, which he'll never hate himself for. When Connor started school, he had trouble with learning, speaking and making friends, because his weight, mental issues and speaking problems, Connor was bullied.

Connor was bullied, being made fun off, ignored, neglected by classmates and when he asked for help, he was ignored as if he wasn't there or was a bug. Because of this, Connor didn't want to go to school and would try to get home any way he could, going as far as to wet himself, pretend to be sick or have a headache or tummy ache and pretty much did or tried what everyone would to try to go home or stay home.  

As the years past, Connor felt neglected and hurt by his classmates, only having rare accessions where he had friends or people talk to him, and cause of that, Connor would try to talk to them again or be around them, to only be seen as weird. Due to Connor not feeling accepted or loved by people outside his family, he was happy when approached and talked to or had friends, but since he tries to be around them or talk to them a lot, they saw him as annoying and weird, or a creep and it happened all through school.

One day, when he was walking up some stairs, when a toy car hit him by accident and split his lip open, Connor was approached by people with kindness and he felt as if he was liked like he did before. Because of that, he would let himself get into accidents or hurt himself in order to feel liked. Once Connor finally finished primary, he felt free and thought he'd be able to have a fresh start at high school.

However, he was still treated the same. Connor was neglected by most of his classmates, being treated as a parasite to them and the bullying was worse. Connor was bullied more physically and the mental bullying was just as worse.

Due to the people maturing enough to understand things they didn't when younger or had parents who didn't hesitate to hide langrage or other mature things, making them come up with more hurtful ways to hurt Connor mentally then at primary and used it the most to not have any evidence to not be in trouble.

Due to this, Connor hasn't been able to prove he's been bullied as he was in primary, making there no point in saying anything since either they won't believe him with no proof or witnesses or even if they believe or do something, they just give detention or suspension, making them just get angry and bully Connor more.

Due to this, Connor was just as he was in primary, pretending to not care or try and see past it and try his best, but the bullying was worse in high school, making it difficult to keep it up, making him show his true emotions within one to two years, making him spend the next two be of him doing the same as he did in primary, that being pretending to be sick, hurt himself and more.

However, this time when it came to hurting himself, he did it cause the bullying made him feel disgusting and worthless, making him believe he is exactly as his bullies say he was. He was also lacking love and friends there as well, making it the same as when he was in primary, making him try to be around people when they were nice to him or if he have friends, even if it was just one.

Connor: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now