Chapter 230

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Matt's POV: After leaving the bar with Gabby and Christie, I just shook my head while holding Gabby's hand with our fingers intertwined. I was furious with what Antonio said and there was no way he was getting away with his very easily. I mean, I was engaged to Hallie at the time and he accuses me of just doing this to get close to Gabby...please, I could've done that at work if I wanted to. But I was engaged at the time. God, he is such a jackass right now and I am glad my sister is on my side. I just hope that she doesn't get mad at me. That's when Gabby kissed my arm. "Hey Matt, can we stop for a minute? You are about to walk by our car and you are stressed." I then turned to look at her when I saw the car and then just nodded. "Right."

Christie then walked up to me and went to hug me. "Come here Matt. You did the right thing getting me out of there. Just know that I am not mad okay? I am disgusted in fact." I nodded when she said that. "Thanks. I was worried about that. I just couldn't let someone who said that be your boyfriend. I am sorry Christie...but that was not okay what he said. I am just glad you saw that. That was ridiculous. To think that he accused me of only having built this bar for Gabby because I wanted to be with her is ridiculous. Sure, I was having problems with Hallie at the time but...I wasn't ready to give up on us." Gabby nodded when I said that. That's when I saw Antonio come out to try and talk to me more. "Christie, get in the car. Gabby, you too."

Christie then looked at me. "Wha...." I then went to snap. "I SAID GET IN THE CAR." Christie then went to do as she was told because she figured out what was happening. Antonio was right behind her. Gabby then looked at me and told me to breathe. "Just breathe okay?" I nodded when she said that before watching as my entire family got into the car. Antonio then walked up to me. "Matt, I..." I then had enough and went to sucker punch him in the face, not happy with him. Gabby however didn't like that. "Matt!" I turned to look at her. "I am not letting him just get away with this." Gabby just looked at me. "Get in the car, we will talk about this later." 

Gabby nodded when I said that before going to get in the car. Looking at Antonio as he got up, I then just stared at him. "What did I tell you? I told you to stay the hell away from us!" Antonio then came at me, unable to resist a fight. Grabbing me, he went to push me against my car. That's when I heard Gabby yell. "Antonio!" Hitting him back, I refused to him beat me. Let's just say that taunting and mocking was very intimidating. Yet, it was also something I might now live to regret considering this fight here was going to land me in jail. And no, not just for a while but overnight.

NOTE: I am skipping an hour to when he is at CPD Holding.

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